
Is this weird, it kind of bothers me?

by  |  earlier

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i've had this problem for a while (maybe anxiety) in which i don't like people to learn too much about me or attach stigmas to myself. for example in a year book i wrote to a friend, "stay conservative." is this something i should be worried about?

also, how can i get this and things like it off my mind?




  1. Yea, I think you need therapy.

  2. me too!!! i have friends and all but i never let them get too close  in person. lol yours sounds worse . idk how you get it off your mind. just make sure to do stuff that scares you socially . that's what i do

  3. hun ur paranoid

    try therapy for just a few sessions u wonnt b that way lol

  4. see a counselor =]

  5. idk

  6. I'm well experienced in anxiety disorders. I think you are in the beginning stages of either OCD or social anxiety disorder. Zoloph will cure both, I recommend being careful because if I'm right when you get under a lot of stress, you might break to a point where the illness is unbearable. I don't think your bad enough to need therapy now, but if you take it, it may prevent it from getting worse. I think you only have 1 disorder, but with anxiety disorders you get symptoms from other anxiety disorders.

  7. Just a weird question in general ?

  8. I don't think it's weird....but then again, I'm the exact same way. =) I love the fact you wrote that in a year book!! That is awesome!

  9. You need to talk to your doctor about your anxiety, I'm sure there is some way to get over your anxiety.  

  10. Sounds like your afraid of what "could" happen, thinking that that "could" might be something bad versus something good.Being more conservative means taking less risks. If this is bothering you to be like this... try taking more "risks"! I'm sure little by little things will start to open up, and hopefully you will feel better.

  11. it is anxiety.. to help.. meditate or medicate


  12. Do other things

    Don"t worry about it

  13. Don't worry about it. It's great that you're aware of what you are doing and that you understand that sometimes things might bite you in the butt later on however, this isn't one of them.  

  14. no dont worry yur fine    

    you are who u are!!!!!

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