
Is this weird? Getting arrested and sliding out of your cuffs.. twice? :/?

by  |  earlier

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I know how much I am going to get flamed for even mentioning a DWI, as always happens on here, but I am just curious if anyone has ever seen or heard of someone sliding out of their handcuffs and if this is weird and really bad. When I got arrested for my DUI (I wasn't technically driving and was near my house AND learned my lesson so please save the lectures) I was in the back of the cop car and, well I was pretty drunk, and IDK just decided I didn't want the cuffs on so I slid out of them. (I am 20 yr old girl and live in a surburban area, I guess they were being nice to me?) Then I just like held them in my hands til they took me out of the car and were like what are you doing???

Then again when I was in the holding cell handcuffed to the bench I did it again. I don't really remember my reasoning for this as I was under the influence. But is this kind of bad, is it illegal and could I have gotten in trouble?




  1. yes you could of gotten in even worse trouble for doing something like that..

  2. Personally I don't think that you should have gotten in trouble for this at all which is good because you didn't.  Common sense would have told the officers after the first mishap to show more care in restraining you the second time around.  And they obviously must not have felt like you posed much of a threat to them or to anyone else or they would have been more angry and ready to punish you.  Every time I've been in handcuffs (a few times, not for anything big) they have been really tight and even left marks on my wrists afterwards, and I am not a big girl.  Just consider yourself lucky that the officers didn't blow this out of proportion and try to nail you for evading arrest or something.

  3. Policemen are sometimes lenient to let you go without the handcuffs if they know that you are not a threat to them.

  4. duhhhhhh you can get in trouble

  5. nope, there are no laws governing this, if you didn't try to run....i can bring my hands over my head, to my front while handcuffed...which is pretty nifty...maybe they didn't feel you would run, since you were too drunk ,so the put them on lightly...BUT they aren't actually allowed to handcuff you TO things inside a building, it's a fire hazard, and quite a serious offense. tell 'em that next time...

    i was once handcuffed to a radiator while waiting a free holding cell, and some other police man(a sargent or something saw me and went crazy at everyone)

  6. It could be considered as resisting arrest. I'm not sure. I think you probably have small hands or something.

  7. How were you not /technically/ driving?

  8. maybe since you weren't "technically" driving, you weren't "technically" under arrest....

    They were probably trying to be nice to you....

  9. you probably would have gotten "in trouble" if you had tried to walk/run away. but as long as you sat there with the cuffs in your hands and didn't get violent or resist, you shouldn't.

    the cops should have gotten in trouble. fool me once ...

  10. You could have been beaten down pretty easily for doing something like that.

    You were probably able to slip out of them because the officer was being nice & didn't tighten them down on you.  It was probably the same in the jail.

  11. your wrist is meant for under aged drinking not to be shackled by those pesky handcuffs viva la alcoholic  

  12. lol ur awesome. those freakin' cuffs hurt. na i dont think you would have gotten in trouble? those cops must have been retarted, my friend kept slipping out of her cuffs and they put those stupid zip-ties or those plastics things!  

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