
Is this weird or is it just me?????

by  |  earlier

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I know an East Indian guy who makes many films. He likes pour lamb curry on people and film himself l*****g it off. I told him its disgusting and he says that there is nothing wrong with it. What do you guys think, is this a cultural thing or something?




  1. it is kind of weird, but as long as all parties are of legal age and it's consensual , I don't care

  2. He is making fetish films, I think it is nasty, but, it is his choice as well as the people he is using...

  3. yea its a f**ckin* fetish because you not supposed to l**k it hes weird dont talk to him anymore

  4. have nooo idea, not my thing, but,

    what kind of money is he making?

  5. Not weird just doing his own thing. You would be very surprised at what some people do and what some like to watch. Many people have what is called a fetish but are embarrassed to let any one know so they do it behind closed doors. Maybe you have some thing that is some what your own private Idaho and you would not like any one to know. It's not a bad thing just private.

    The only time it is bad is when it has to do with children. That right there should have a sentence of death if caught.

  6. LOL  It's not a cultural thing.  It's apparently a fetish of his.  Just a bit disgusting, but whatever floats his boat.

  7. um... i think this guy needs a kinky girlfriend.

  8. i think the lamb curry part is just made up by you

  9. not cultural thing. a gross thing.

  10. well he's EAST INDIAN. it's just you babydoll

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