
Is this weird to ask a guy who you don't know too well to hang out?

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I just met the sweetest, cutest guy in one of my classes. Everytime I see him smile (I know this sounds cheesy) my heart honestly stops. We've talked a little, but I feel like our relationship doesn't go beyond the doors of that classroom. I want to ask him to hang out just to get to know him better. Do you think he would think it is weird of me? I feel like if I don't do something nothing will happen..




  1. Not at all, just give it a shot.  

    If you really want to be sneaky, try to get him to come study for the class with you, but if you do that, don't try to set some crazy romantic mood and expect to study with limited other social interaction.

    Honestly just asking him to hang out sometime or do something of mutual interest is by far your best bet.  It sounds cheesy to give this sort of advice, but at the end of the day there is a reason why everyone says it.

  2. Yeah, go ahead.

    Before you do though, do you know what he likes at all? It'll be less weird if you at least say what you might doing when you hang out.

    "Hey, do you wanna hang out at (place)? To like, (what he likes)?"

    Be sure it's something you'll enjoy too.

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