
Is this what's wrong with England right now.?

by  |  earlier

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Aggressive, primitive gangs of Jamaican decent and rapers from eastern europe and Asia.




  1. with an assertion like the one you just made, i think it's highly unlikely you have an IQ of even 50 let alone 150, and maybe the problem is in that many of the people that have established so called bloodlines here feel that they own this country............... dah you may not have yet awoken from that beastial entity that was 'colonialism' but there is ultimately only 'one' world, and in my opinion we all should have equal access to it, otherwise we have orchestrated anarchy, which is maybe what your aiming at.

    just remember friend ''evil has it's day, but good always has it's way''

    i think rather than preach and perpetuate hatred, try love as it's really liberating, and believe it or not we are all capable of it.

    Anyways, for what it's worth take care and be well.

  2. The weather.

    The Politicians

    The immigrants

    The benefits systems which encourages no-hopers to sponge off of those that work.

    The weather again!!

    The law that doesn't punish people hard enough to deter crime

    I could go on,....

  3. Wait a minute. I've just read this somewhere else.

  4. From what I've read, probably.

  5. England has really turned into a Godless nation in the past few years. Is it any surprise that they are being eaten by a cancer that they invited?

  6. No, it's people looking to find scapegoats

  7. no, its the weather thats wrong.

  8. I live in England quite near London.. I have to say that yes its gotten aggressive and yes there are gangs but there are things running through the gangs that the media don't understand.. The media don't know that a gang members brother might have been murdered for nothing and so the gang wants to get revenge by shooting the killer.. Its just a cycle.. Plus yes we get many cultures in England/London however Jamaican people is not to blame.. There is good and bad in everyone.. As for the rappers from other parts of Europe and Asia.. Yes its the music we're listening to at the moment and wer'e not ashamed of it.. Everyone has different music tastes and thats that..  

  9. Do you mean rapists or rappers? I think the intellect of the Yahoo questioners answers their own question.

  10. Er no!

  11. don't forget the muslim bombers.

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