
Is this what Muay Thai gyms are like?

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Well I did a free lesson at a Muay Thai gym a while back. It pretty much consisted of getting into pairs and practicing punching and kicking each other (punching eachother's glove and kicking eachother with them blocking it) with the instructor coming by and showing you how to do it.

There wasnt any warmup or stretches or anything.

It costs $130 a month for Muay Thai. (4 classes and 2 bag training a week)




  1. I have heard of ATT. If you get into a fight on the street will you take time out to warm up? You should decide your reason for taking MA and pick the one that fits. In any martial arts class, you may do one thing today and something else tommorrow, but the bottom line is always repetition. The techniques need to get to your subconciuos.

  2. That usually how you start off, you get into pairs and practice your punches and your kick to get use to the technique of how to throw them, after a while they will have you working on the bag the maybe sparring. You start off slow but it picks up. Most Gyms have you stretch before get warmed up so you don't pull something and the one year contract every gym has that, i hate it too.  American Top Team that's a good school, alot of UFC fighters train at ATT.

  3. It depends. Some schools make you warm up first, some schools see kicking the bag as a warm up. Also, at the beginning levels, there really isnt much to do besides drilling the movements to learn them properly.

    As you advance, you will get into conditioning, combinations, etc..

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