
Is this what he actually said about evolution? Sir Arthur Keith...

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"Evolution is unproven and unprovable. We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable."

Romans 1:22-23

Though claiming to be wise, they became fools

and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images that looked like mortal human beings, birds, four-footed animals, and reptiles.

Well.... your views?




  1. Evolution is nothing more than a theory ! People buy into it for many reasons that all stem from the fact that Lucifer will do anything to disprove the Holy Trinity !

  2. No, he did not.  The quote is a Creationist fabrication.  The source they attribute the quote to would have been published well after his death but it did not exist.


    I - There is no Goddess but Goddess and She is Your Goddess. There is no Erisian Movement but The Erisian Movement and it is The Erisian Movement. And every Golden Apple Corps is the beloved home of a Golden Worm.

    - The Principia Discordia

  4. I think quoting the bible in the biology section won't gain your argument much traction.  "quoting" "scientists" from  obscure references won't help either.

    Believe whatever you want.  If you don't want to or don't want to try to understand evolution that certainly won't hurt the theory any.  Humans knew the earth was round hundreds of years before we got up there to see it.  All the praying in the world won't make the world flat...

  5. Even if the quote were valid and in context (which it isn't), a singe quote from a scientist is not equal to a scientific argument.  

    True evidence is peer reviewed and published.  It is held up to intense scrutiny, and if it passes, it is accepted.  If it fails inspection, then it is sent back, to either be discarded or to be refined and tested under more stringent conditions.  

    Do a search at pubmed sometime, for any scientific topic.  Look at the huge number of peer-reviewed publications, and the quality and quantity of data contained there.  Science isn't moved forward by one person coming up with an idea and everyone else agreeing.  Any given theory is the result of hundreds or thousands of scientists comparing their results, refining conclusions, and producing something greater than the sum of its parts.  A single scientist can be wrong (every scientist is at some point in their career), and can have personal biases.  The scientific community as a whole (while not immune) is much more solid.

    If you actually look at the data, and at the scientific community in general, it will then be obvious why "... but [Random Scientist] said [unsupported anti-evolution comment]!" isn't a valid counter-argument.

  6. Your links do not appear to give any real information so it is a bit difficult to comment on your quote.

  7. Are you quoting Sir Arthur Keith, the Scottish anthropologist who died in 1955? Neither of your links work, so it is hard to tell.

    Sir Arthur was obviously ignorant of modern genetics and biology. After all, he died before much was known about DNA and heredity. Evolution is one of the most solid and well proven theories in biological science.  

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