
Is this what kids are supposed to act like in high school hallways?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Good, I just wasted 2 minutes and 52 seconds watching kids walk to class.... I should get 10 points for that! :)

  2. I would say yes, but it's a bit strange someone is taping everyone going to class.  It's better than seeing a brawl break out over what someone is wearing.

  3. not sure what the point of that video was!? They looked slightly brainwashed to me. Where was the talking laughing and shoving??

  4. umm ya.. ther just all wakin 2 klass... wats so rong bout that??

  5. i didn't see any problem with it. it was kind of boring to watch, actually.

    reminded me of what hallways were like at my old high school (extremely crowded)

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