
Is this what parents feel like?

by Guest33943  |  earlier

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Long story short, my 16 year old brother is g*y, parents found out and have cut him out of their life. He is living with me and I have custody of him. I love and accept him as he is. I feel a need to protect him and keep him safe over everything else. Is this what parents feel for there children? A need to protect them over everything else?




  1. I would think so, but obviously your parents are an exception...

  2. Wow, he's only 16 and they cut him out of their life?  Yes, what you are feeling is what most parents feel.  Your brother is lucky to have you.

  3. Yes, I'd say it's pretty much what parents feel like.  It's too bad yours didn't feel that way about your brother.  He is blessed to have a brother like you who could step in and take care of him.  

  4. Yes, get use to it because once you get that feeling it never goes away,it may easy some as he gets older but the feeling will always be there.

  5. You are an awesome older brother and have been magnificently gifted with just the right protective feelings for your brother, to help him when he needed you most.

    You were given the wisdom, instincts and common sense that your parents threw away when they gave in to homophobia.

    Of course besides being safe, he will also gradually need freedom to grow, learn, and become independent.

    But you know that.

    Speaking as a parent myself, yes, those feelings are quite strong and they are forever.

  6. Yes, this is a good nurturing instinct.  He needs support, especially now at such a vulnerable age for anybody, g*y or straight.  I commend you for your love for your brother.  

    Try to keep the channels of support open between you guys and your parents.  Maybe they will come around when they have had time to process the fact that your brother is g*y.   If not, it is their loss.

  7. Yes that is how parents feel. Good on you for taking him in, I hope things work out for him and your parents get over it

  8. yes it is..but on the contrary your parents rejected your bro.. whew, parents as usual are strictly traditional...

  9. Absolutely!  It's too bad your parents have abandoned him, but you are wonderful to take him in and love him as if he were your son instead of your brother.  I take it you are quite a bit older than your brother.  If you have children of your own, I hope he will continue to be part of your family.  Good luck and God bless!  

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