
Is this what we do with terrorists?

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The world now believes that the best way to prevent muslims from turning terrorist is to educate them and give them job opportunities.

But frankly, how long can we sustain in 'preventing' these followers of islam from getting feelings of indignation or angst in the environment that they live in?

Is this a sustainable solution?




  1. Perhaps not even an end to Free Trade would be enough.

    There is a saying which is that a revolution is only three missed meals away though the sustenance of the terrorists is religious rather than physical. Motivation different.

  2. No, it is not a sustainable solution. Terrorists understand and respect only one thing -- power and the resolve to confront them with force.

    I've heard a lot of liberals in the U.S. say that we just need to sit down and  negotiate with them, to show them that we understand their plight. Bull hockey! You don't negotiate with anyone who has as his stated purpose your death at whatever costs.

  3. Never happen, the theory seems logical but there is too much Hate being taught from childhood on up and they constantly live in the dark ages.Yes it would be nice if it became different but 2000 years of hate cannot be overcome and never will...1000 years from now it will be the same people hating each other.

  4. I think that education is a fair solution because the goal is to teach people there to understand that although they disagree with out lives and maybe certain parts of their arguements are right that killing inocent people is not an okay solution and if they have a problem with the way we live then they can choose to live like us and our responsibility is to take in their critisizm and change the things that we agree we should change

  5. I don't think that will help too much. Look at how well educated some of the extremist are nowadays, and there are not just muslims alone.

    In order to stop the feelings of indignation or angst among them,

    We should first, change our mindset of "all terrorist are muslim" before we start to judge them. It's pretty unfair for us to stereotype them.

    Secondly, we should try to understand what is it that they want when they resort to violence. I do agree that what they are doing are too extreme and is wrong, but i always believe that they have no intention to kill unless deeply agitated.

    The idea of  "an eye for an eye" should not be practised in dealing with terrorism. I feel that a sustainable solution would be one where we try to engage them early in their life and live in a racial harmony society.

    There will still be extremist, but hopefully lesser cases in the future.

  6. The idea is true and will make a change.But i believe the majour reason for problem is that some Islamic extremists use uneducated jobless poor people to fight against their emenies, and they brainwash them to do it in the name of god. They over feed this people with religion and not give them propper education.That way their leaders can control them what ever they want when ever they want.These islamic extremist leaders were able to find some kind of loop-hole to use religion as a weapon.

    If we are able to give them education and job it will reduce the violance significantly.I would say the first thing to do is to kill or disappear all those extremist leaders, Give them propper education without avoiding their religion, give them a everything to make them Constructive!

    After all our foriegn policy and president need to be one that make friends not enemies.

  7. in my opinion, the only way to deal with terrorist is to Kill 'Em All and let their God sort them out with John McCain at the Gates Of h**l

  8. solve political issues like land ,autonomy and religious freedom.

    otherwise they "terrorists" will resist as any one would do.

  9. no, it really isn't

    you would think with all the food and care we give to some of the African countries that they would be friendly towards Americans, and they grow up to healthy American killers....

    We should be spending all that billions and billions of dollars on fixing up our own country and teaching our people how to live safely...

    think of it like this

    if Muslims invaded America

    and said "now this is the relligion you will learn, and this is the philosophy you will follow, and these are the politics that will rule you"

    how long would that last in America?

    you CANT change how someone lives their life, its impossible

  10. Don't want radical Muslim terrorists anywhere near you?  Work on a pig farm and be sure to keep one or two in your yard.  

  11. It hasn't worked for the blacks here.  We educate them give them welfare, public housing and jobs programs and they still complain.

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