
Is this why Anarchists hurl bricks and molotovs instead of "peacefully" protesting?

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"As a line of police clad in riot gear and walking with bicycles approached a woman who refused to get out of their way, several sprayed her with a liquid. She covered her eyes with one hand and raised two fingers of the other hand in both hands in a vee.

A man standing nearby yelled, "I love you! Why are you doing this?" as the woman was shoved to the pavement."

When cops act like that, isn't it appropriate that they get this:




  1. When people travel to Minneapolis to provoke confrontation, they should not be surprised when a confrontation occurs.   They should also not be surprised when the authorities prevail in such a confrontation.   The cop in your picture may have gotten a busted head, but I would bet there were more anarchist heads busted than cop heads at the convention.

  2. wow violence is never the answer.. though nomatter how much someone thinks they are justified.  

  3. both are wrong.

    violence is never appropriate for the protesters or the police.

    The job of the police is to protect people.  How is shoving this woman to the ground and spraying her with mace protecting anyone ?

    If she were under arrest....well that's a different story, but to me it looks like they are just having fun shoving her around and hitting her with their bicycles.  Very unprofessional to say the least.

    Her refusal to move doesn't justify what the police did.

    They crossed the line.

    Anyone ever heard the term..."civil disobedience" ?....she was being both civil and disobedient.

  4. Americans have lost the ability to peacefully assemble as stated in the Bill of Rights. It's sad what's happened to our liberties.

    Bill of Rights

    Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

  5. Perhaps the woman should have moved out of the way?

  6. The police had no intention of letting them protest in peace.

    They were out to provoke and arrest.

    Beating the protesters was the icing on the cake.

  7. I don't know what the cop did to "deserve" that, but the sow who was told to get out of the area did not move. I guess they could have gotten four guys to pick her up and physically move her.

    She REFUSED to move.

  8. not surprising really. all the cops had to do was put some of those plastic cuffs on her and hall her away, but no, they kicked her down sprayed her with pepper spray and used their bikes to push her more. none of this was necessary for a woman not doing anything particularly wrong.

  9. Given your avatar, I'm guessing you know that anarchists aren't known to protest peacefully.  

    Remember, remember the 5th of November.

  10. Sad!! All she want to know was where is the closest McDonalds.

  11. When a cop tells you to move, you move or you get your butt kicked.  Simple as that.  What would you suggest as an alternative?  An impromtu seminar and an exchange of ideas in the street?  If a cop tells you to move but you want to stand there and have a discussion or a negotiation, that's what you call anarchy.

    People who do that are called anarchists.  Anarchists are scared to death of the global economy because they know that if they don't get off their butts and get a job instead of spending the day in front of a mirror dying their hair purple, they are going to get left behind.  So, they want to ignore the police and do what they can to destroy the fabric of society because they don't fit in.  AKA misfits.  The best thing that can happen for them and the rest of us is for them to get a butt kicking before they kill us.

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