
Is this why WWE sux so bad with storylines?

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The wwe only pushes people the little kids like so is that why they only keep ppl like cena and triple h with gold because they are targeting little kids for money if so thats really dumb because if wwe pushed the jobbers the fans would love them to




  1. Mr. Mcmahoan said it himself- its all about the money WWE does whatever gives them more money.

  2. That's not why they suck in storylines...  that's why they suck in general.  The reason why the storylines suck is because the writers they have are all non-wrestling writers at the moment.  They've all written for soap operas and sitcoms in the past, and now they're working for a federation that needs competative stories, and instead, they're writing drama.

    Top that with the fact that USA and MyNetwork/CW are trying to curb the stories into a "family friendly" setting.  Therefore anything that deals with blatant violence, or acting like degenerates, or any "offensive" behavior is immediately dropped from storylines, leaving us with bland TV.

    It's amazing that soap operas are allowed to get away with so much worse than the WWE does...  and they're shown at times when cartoons are shown.

  3. this isnt a real question u just want to be cool and get ur word across

  4. If you didnt notice by now Cena hasnt been champion since like oct of last year and CM Punk is champion now, Mark Henry, yes HHH ( I hate him too ) but its not really  pushing for kids but they do need some new writers because WWE sucks right now and its not because of lack of talent but I blame Vince and the writers for it.

  5. well... wwe sux in general..

  6. think it has gone to merchentised and kidish if thats a word. the wwf justed 2 be mint but nowadays it's rubbish. Ecw is c**p  it used 2 be mint etc. tables on fire and barbed wire wrapped round chairs and hammer.

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