
Is this wierd motivation for swimming!?

by Guest56264  |  earlier

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Hi im 14 i am going to be a freshman in high school(i know haha freshamn beat him up lol) I am going to start being on the swim team and i am always motivated when i see Shawn Johnson! I know shes a gymnist not a swimmer and im perfectly fine with someone other than a swimmer motivating me, but im just wondering do you guys think thats unusual? is it different to be motivated by someone in a completely oppisite sport? And im fine with it im just curious to see what you think.




  1. You're motivated by someone who works hard and excels in her sport... no that's not weird at all.  I might find it a little strange if you were motivated by like the kid that beat guitar hero but it's definitely not weird for one athlete to be motivated by an athlete of another sport.

    Although, just as a side note, there are plenty of American women swimmer's you could look up to like Natalie Coughlin, Katie Hoff, Dana Torres (although she's obviously much older than you).  Again, there's nothing wrong with being inspired by a gymnast, I'm just pointing out there are some incredible swimmers that could motivate you.

    Good Luck!

  2. Shawn Johnson is only 16, and can relate more to people around her age. It is perfectly fine, she is incredible, and is a great athlete.

  3. No its not weird, seeing people do great makes you want to do great.

  4. No, go with whatever motivates you. Good luck!

  5. No way!

    chawn johnson is 16, olympics medalist, how can you NOT find that motivational?

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