
Is this wierd or does it happen to other people?

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Can anyone explain why this happens? When I wake up in the morning, I can't remember my dreams. But then that night right when my head hits the pillow, all of what happened in the dreams comes instantly back, and this happens everyday. Does this happen to anyone else? Can anyone explain it?




  1. theres a trigger, when your head feels the pillow, it's a familiar feeling so everything that happen when your head was on the pillow should come back. they did a test with lime and a bell, you l**k a lime when you every time you hear a bell, after several times, this time you don't take the lime, your tongue will salivate and you will taste the lime.

  2. its because when you are sleeping its when your body does the most thinking, and sorts out things, so when you go back to sleep, you finish your thoughts from the night before.

  3. wow. perfect condition for lucid dream experiments. check it out.

  4. I forget my dreams too. I find right when Im going to sleep is when I have the deepest thoughts and remember the most, so that's what I think it is.

  5. Try waking up more abruptly, and you may remember your dreams just after having them instead of when you return to approach the REM state.  Most people can't remember their dreams because they wake up too slowly, or they wake up and drift back to sleep. When you do this, when you roll over and do not immediately get out of bed, the logic-driven part of your brain begins to process and re-formulate your dreams, which essentially boils them down to something quirky and just a little weird, rather than something more profound or out of this world. Try jolting yourself immediately from the bed after waking up abruptly with an alarm and writing down your dreams. Do not try to make sense with your writing - do not try to make sentences or use words that fit perfectly - just keep your hand moving and do not question the words that you put down.

  6. That may be a very healthy way your mind is processing, keeping the material you are dreaming through just waiting for you.

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