
Is this woman Mrs Becky Norwood, England address a fraud?

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I've recieved a letter from an orphanage director Mrs Becky Norwood, and I'm interested to know if there is anything fraudulent in this out traveling the internet?




  1. If you received the letter through the mail, you should take it to your local Post Office and have them check it out. They can spot a scam a miles away. Yours does sound like a money scam.

    If you received the letter via email, you probably did receive a scam letter trying to rip you off. There are so many phishing scams and money scams out there on the internet, I wouldn't even bother with answering the letter. You should send it to the US Government or the FTC (Federal Trade Commission).

    There was a series on Date Line NBC a short while back all about money scams. Chances are, since the letter was sent supposedly from England, it was a scam. The cons are using countries all over the world since it's extremely hard to track down these crooks to bring them to justice. A huge example, the Nigerian Scam. It's well known.

    Go to the US Government website and take a look at the scams they're aware of.

  2. Did you seek her out or vice versa. If she's soliciting money - click on delete or report it as spam. If you are winning ANYTHING - do the same.

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