
Is this woman justified or plain greedy?

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  1. Greedy.

  2. She is probably no more greedy than he is!  

  3. They don't even have kids?

    What is she eating for R6000.00

    3 Families(of 4 kids each) can be fed with that much.

    What is the R10 000.00 for a credit card for?

    She has already listed entertainment and holiday.

    She is a disgrace?

  4. She's a tiny lil bit greedy...maybe if she asked for half of what she did..

  5. plain greedy xD

  6. It is not easy when we are checking money from another country - but it seems a lot when they were only married for about a year.

    I have heard of women getting more, and there are many women who get less.

  7. She's greedy. I can't add to what others like Ayiza have already asked.

  8. What, the heck! It is during times like this that I'm proud to have been brought up as a poor Mosotho boy. This woman is filthily greedy. Mosadi wa Mosotho a ka se etse manyala ana (trans. a Mosotho woman wouldn't behave in such a despicable manner).

  9. I gotta go with just plain greedy. If she had been married for 30 years and put something into the marriage as well as getting used to that lifestyle to the point that she cannot survive without all that money, I might be more apt to give in a bit to her. She says he "has always" paid but I hardly think 1 year and always are the same thing. One year is not much of an investment of her time and not worth the money she is claiming.

    Small wonder the poor man drinks!

    I hope when the ruling comes down, you will comeback and tell all of us not in S.A. what that ruling was.

  10. Shock horror Hennie and I agree on something, now that's a first.

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