
Is this woman unlucky or what?

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Man with a suicide victim's heart takes his own life.

He even married the heart donor's widow after the transplant 12 years ago.




  1. Something's wrong with the life they had----the common denominator--- the wife.

  2. I would say Murphy's law has served her efficiently.  I hope things go better in the future.

  3. aww that is sad...poor lady

  4. oh that's terrible its either the heart or the lady  that made them do it  that's certainly a run of bad luck

  5. ok ...?!?!?  good luck to the recipient of his heart then???

  6. Some say emotions and memories likes & dislikes  are transfered through organs especially the heart.I think this may be another example of this. Sad story

  7. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and no matter if it's a hard time or a great time, that you should just except what happened because you can't go back and change it.

    There's some sort of hidden lesson or purpose in every circumstance.

  8. She certainly is.  How will she find another husband with that track record

  9. Yes, isn't it weird, I really feel sorry for her - I wonder if there is any truth after all about recipients of other peoples hearts taking on some of their characteristics?

  10. Anyone stop and that recipient was really greedy!? first he gets the heart but no thats not enough he marries the donor's wife too!

  11. I can't open the link.  Maybe she was the cause of the suicides.

  12. Some ladies are just mean through and through.

      Maybe she was the source of the whole problem.

  13. He was a man with a mental problem!  I do not know if the incident is even explainable!  Pure selfish introversion and disregard for those connected with his life!  At this point, I am not even interested in knowing if he has/had a family and friends, he hurt them more than he did to himself!

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