
Is this workplace harassment and how should I respond

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A friend of mine at my work gave me the phone number to this girl that was having a party and I was told I was invited to.

I called the girl a few times and was sent to her voice message each time and sent a text message. When she told me to 'get lost' after I revealed who i was, I did not contract her again.

Now she is reporting me for harassment to my employer. Does she have a case?




  1. Doubtful. Document when and how you contacted her and the reason. UNless you called 50 times and texted 40 and continued AFTER she told you to get lost, your boss is just playing CYA.

  2. Not the way you described it - but you didn't say what you said in your voice mails or text message.

    So long as you stopped when she said "stop", and the content of your messages was innocuous, I don't think she has any case.

  3. No, unless a few times was more than a few a day.

  4. No.  Just state your case to your employer and explain that she took it wrong.  And have no further contact with her.

  5. This girl is nuts. The only way you can have workplace harassment is if you are creating a hostile work environment. Or if you are her boss. If there is no communication physically with this girl she is a spaz.

  6. If you "got lost", she doesn't. You're probably better off, anyway.

  7. First off, unless I missed something or you explained it badly, she doesn't work with you, does she?  If not, this is out the window anyway.

    Workplace harassment can only take place within or related to the workplace.  So if you were harassing her at work, it's a workplace issue.  If you were harassing her at home, off work hours, and did not use a workplace connection to carry it on, then, while it might be harassment, it still isn't a workplace issue.

    So overall, just leave her alone.  If she really does complain, explain the situation to the supervisor and/or HR, and it should end there.  If she does work with you, DO NOT, under any circumstances, pester her to 'explain'.  Stay well away from her.  Any further contact could be harassment.

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