
Is this wrong for my grandma to do?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so My grandma was watching a show on opera about how webcams are so dangorous (can't spell sorry lol).

and she came over the next day and just took my webcam without asking and just took it.

Should I ask her what she did with it the next time she comes?




  1. No, your grandma was just protecting you.  Are you young? Cause she may have seen how there are all types of preditors on line.  

  2. I would just tell your grandma that even though you are glad that she is worried about you, that you need your web cam back, you should also talk to your parents about this.

  3. tell her that its not her property and that she shouldnt just take things that arent hers. tell her that u understand that she wants u to be safe, but its ur decison wether or not ur still gunna keep the webcam.

  4. hmm she prob took it so YOU dont do anything with the webcam like talk to boys over it you know what i mean right?

    She took it prob for your safty

  5. wow ur grandma only cares about you, but u cant do that without saying anything.....tell granny that u love her for worrying but you'll be careful and you know better...GOODLUCK


  6. You could thank her for being so concerned, then go buy another webcam. Don't tell grandma.

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