
Is this wrong to do as a parent?

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my 5 month old son has started to realize we are talking to him, but I'm afraid he doesn't know his name. we always call him "Goo Bear" and never "Tucker" and recently he only turns his head to "Goo Bear" and completely ignores us when we call his real name. Its such a habit calling him by his nickname. Is this wrong? Will he ever learn his real name? Its cute but i certainly dont want him to be growing up as "Goo Bear" help! i need some tips or advice!




  1. Yea, you have to start using his real name for awhile.  Don't worry, our daughter's nickname was and still is at 7 years old - stinky face. Because when she spit up as a baby it would run down into her neck folds, because we were dumb and never put a burp cloth there, and then with all the folds and stuff we didn't clean it often, so her neck would start to reek bad, and we'd call her stinky face.  My husband calls her that, not me, and she doesn't mind the nickname...yet.

  2. try calling him by his real name from now on until hes like 2 years old

  3. what they said start calling him tucker more he will realize that they are both him...My daughter always turned her head to Mamas and they I started calling her alyx and she will come to you if you call her Mamas alyx or Peanut head

  4. It is cute!  But you are right "Tucker" is the name that you selected and btw it's cute too.  Now would be the best time to rectify that.  Nicknames have a way of sticking way beyond when we wish the tape had fallen off.

  5. you can try calling him by his name for starters !!

  6. He'll learn his name from others...we called my lil bro a nickname and still do...he's almost 6...yet he knows what his name is...when others call him by his name then it'll b fine...i call my lil girl munchkin all the time...but her grandparents and greatgrandparents plus aunts and uncles all call her by her name...she's 6 months old and pretty much answers to both..just make sure that not everyone calls him by his nickname

  7. I called my daughter Monkey forever and she knows her name.  She did so at an early age too.  Relax, he'll figure it out very soon!

  8. Just start calling him Tucker more. You can still call him Goo Bear but he will learn his real name so don't worry.

  9. its okay ive seen many parents do that

    just call he both once in a while call him his real name

    but call him his nickname whenever you like

  10. Thats so sweet. I wouldnt worry as long as you call him his real name occassionly and until he really understands what a name is goo bear is lovely. Hes not gonna tell his teacher his name is goo bear lol

  11. Don't worry!  My son's name is Tucker as well and he was called either "monkey" which is my nickname for him or"boogs" which is my husbands nickname for him up until the time he started school.  We still call him these names outside of school as does the majority of our family!  You don't hear the name Tucker very often!  What a great name if I can say so myself!

  12. goo bear :-) cute!

    He'll catch on.  My brother liked his nick name so much he started going by it in school too.  He'll learn his real name.  Promise!  lol you can always do like I've eerily started to my son by his nickname until he's in trouble, then call him by the whole name first middle and last lol!  (ring a bell parents :-) )

  13. you have no idea lol everyone called me by my nickname for years and it got to the point when i couldnt spell my real name till i was like 10 because i was so used to refering to my nickname as my name

    its not that harmful he will work it out soon, i find it funny now looking back, anyway nick names are a depest show of affection.

  14. well he will eventually know his real name, but just start calling him tucker. Even if he doesnt turn around. Just say tucker and then tap him and say "tucker..." you know....

  15. Only call him Goo Bear on occasions

    Start calling him Tucker

    He will learn his real

    Name ONLY if you call

    Him by his name Tucker

  16. Hi Sweetie:

    It was a tradition in our house growing up to call each other "brother" and "sister". There were lots of us, and it was easier than my mother calling you everyone else's name until she came to yours (there were 7 of us).

    When I had my kids, we called them brother and sister too.  We would use their given name when addressing them directly, but when referring to the other sibling would use brother and sister.  As my daughter was getting ready to go to school, my neighbor (a retired teacher) asked her how she was going to introduce herself to her classmates and she said, "Hi, I'm Sister!".  Imagine our shock.  We took the next 3 months to immerse her in her own name, so that she could give the right answer when she went to school.  I identified with this, because for the first 3 years of my life I was simply,. "Reina" which means queen in Spanish.  Being the youngest, I WAS the queen.  

    It's not wrong to call him Goo Bear, it's kinda cute. My son's nickname was "Boo".  He was born in October.  I used t sit with him and say, I'm Mama, you're Joshua", starting when he was about 6 months old, trying to get him to say "Mama".  He said "Daddy" first anyway, but you get the idea.  

    Good luck.  

  17. He'll learn his name eventually. Just call him Tucker more often.

  18. no not at all.  My middle son's name is Robert and his nick name has always been Tata.  When he turned 4, someone asked him what his name was and he said, "my name is Tata" - that's when we realized we needed to start calling him by his name.  When we first started, he said, "No my name isn't Robert, I'm tata" but now he doesn't even want us to call him tata anymore.  If you call him that he will say, "my name is Robert!"

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