
Is this wrong to want to do both

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ok right now im 13 and ever since i was 7 i wanted to be a teacher... but i also wanted to be a pole dancer/stripper(somewhere along those lines) since i was about 9 or 10.. and YES i do kno that i will still want this when i grow up.. dont tell me im a child and should want/do this... adn dont tell me im gonna change my mind... but is it right for me to wanna think this and all?




  1. you can strip for me and ill teach you some things ;)

  2. This is my advice for what it's worth. Concentrate on becoming a teacher first. If after you've finished school and started your first teaching job you still want to be a stripper too, then go for it. The reason I say school first is because although you can make decent money as a stripper, you can't do it forever. I know it's hard to picture yourself old, but you will be someday, and no ones gonna pay to see old, saggy, wrinkly ****! Just the way it is, but you can be a teacher for as long as you want.

  3. you will make a lot more dancing!

  4. Well you're asking us to judge if it's right and at the same time you're saying don't judge you because you're a child? You can't have things both ways. So I'm sorry but yes I'm going to say it's disturbing that you've been wanting to be a pole dancer/stripper from such a young age.

    Even if you were old enough to be thinking about this sort of stuff, it's also a silly idea to have these two jobs at the same time. One teacher here in Australia got fired from her job as a teacher when it was discovered that she stripped for a magazine. Parents don't want to know that the teacher of their kids is a stripper.

  5. thats nasty

  6. No its not wrong. Its easy money. The only problem is the moral issue people cant seem to get over with that choice in career

  7. Yes, it is perfectly natural, and as you grow in age and have many new life experiences, you would develop new interests or even change your current ones. People change when they grow in age, hopefully to become a better person, but yeah, what you liked when you were an infant may or may not be what you would like when you are a teenager.

  8. it's not wrong, but one job may very well cost you the other.

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