
Is this wrong what my teacher does to me?

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ok this is the second edition

My teacher (Mrs.Drum) always treats this kid (Hugh) better than everyone in the class and treats me (Craig) and My best friend (Serena) My Friend (Rhianna) and My other Friend (Lisa) and a couple of others like poo and I'm getting sick of it can any of you tell me what to do?




  1. i dont think it is wrong as a human behaviour.. ebery human does that.. try keeping urself in his shoes and then u can see. every one is partial to someother one.. so its natural. but he should not make it so obvious and open... its usually kinda hidden property but some people reveal it...

  2. Mrs Drum is human and like all of us prefers some people to others. It is very hard being a teacher and not to show favour to one or not. Is this person studious or at the other end of the scale. If he is the brightest then she enjoys his joy of learning; if he is a slow learner she is trying to help him keep up with the rest of the class.

    As a young person you will feel things (such as personal preference) much more strongly it is part of those new chemicals running through you body. Just remember this is one of the most difficult times in your life adjusting to the changes in your thinking and body.

    Do you and your friends normally feel as if you are at the bottom of the heap? those with lower self esteem (usually the most outspoken and loud people) will feel rejection even when it isn't there. You need to firstly examine why your teacher appears to you to show preference to this student and why not to you. You mention nothing of academic attention .. do you do your work or are you the disruptive group?

    unfortunately with feeling such as these firstly we need to examine our own behaviour and look at ourselves realistically whether we like it or not. there is too much involved to provide a good answer but I hope this helps.

  3. Being frank, it's probably because you disrupt the class or made a bad first impression. Be good for the first few weeks and then you can basically do anything the rest of the year. Same thing in the real world

  4. Craig,

    you are a slacker who is looking for someone to blame for your shortcomings - ask Mrs Drum in what way you can improve your educational outcomes (this why we pay teachers; not to babysit).  You will be amazed at the change in her attitude when you change your's....

  5. Is this a riddle, or some sort of secret code?

  6. teachers can be that..but they must be discreet in treating their students.. try to talk to the guidance counselor of your school if you find it really offensive  the way she treats you..goodluck

  7. Stand up for yourself? If you are too chicken for that, revenge or complain to someone else?

  8. Assuming all of you act similarly in class, then yes, it is wrong of her to have a teacher's pet like that.  However, it may be that because you seem to have a lot of friends, you tend to talk to one another a lot, and it may be that she is annoyed at you and your friends for being distracting in class.  I only say this because while I usually got along pretty well with my teachers, I took one class in summer school in which I sat with a girl who wasn't one of my usual friends.  She was nice, but talked constantly, and I got in a lot of trouble that summer (which was unusual for me) because of it.  

    If you and your friends are well behaved, and the teacher still treats you badly, then realize that it is probably the teacher, not you.  There is not much you can do to change the teacher's unfairness, but if you don't take it personally, it will hurt less.

  9. suck it up - it happens to ppl all the time - not just in school but in the big wide world as well............

    not everyone is going to like you and you need to learn that now.  

  10. OK this happens to me but the other way around. What ou have to do is get the god kid to do something then you do it and se what she does then if she lets him do it but not u point it out to her and see what she says she will probably denie it but then embarras her infront of the class and say to every one else did u see the way she favours the god id and then see what she does but try and get secrets out of her and get her weaknesses

  11. OOO....I can relate to this......My Math Teacher (Mr Chicano) Would Treat everyone over me........Everyone would be up going to their friends throwing paper balll is the trash ....i do it and he yells at me...and like 15 minutes later he tells every to sit.....

    Yes its bad........maybe your teacer has a crush..........tell a leader of te school board

  12. Keep a diary if this is serious and show it to your school counsellor and they may be able to help.  Have a good day.  Sandy.

  13. just start doing a bit of a** kissing. always helps.

  14. It might be a bit hard because you sound pretty young, but it's best to just sit down with your teacher and have a civilised adult conversation with her stating your concerns.

  15. Take it on the chin and wait for a new teacher next year.  There are always teachers pets.

  16. it's hard to be able to do anything, if you really feel out of place, talk with the school counselor.. no teacher should treat any student differently, period.

  17. haha lol once a teacher threw a pen at me i laugh at her behind her back....

  18. I had the same problem - a teacher would go down the rows and have everyone go to the board to solve a problem, and she would skip me, every time. If I raised my hand to answer a question, she would ignore me. It went on for weeks.

    My mom gave me some great advice - "To make an enemy into a friend, ask them for help." I know it sounds backward, but the next day I went up to her desk and said, "Can you help me with this? I can't figure it out." Momma was right - she was nice to me from then on!

    I'd suggest you and Serena and Rhianna and Lisa do the same thing, over the course of a few days.

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