
Is this your political view?

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Sign in front of a Muffler Shop

I Ain’t Voting For

Monica Lewinsky’s

Ex Boyfriends





  1. I will not vote for someone just because they are a woman or black. I'm trying to vote issues. I don't support the socialist agenda of the democratic candidates. The freebies they want to give America will cost us trillions of extra taxes. Talk about fiscal irresponsibility!

  2. yes...funny

  3. Honestly I don't like any of the candidates.  

    Was gonna vote for Edwards but now he has stopped running. (and I usually vote republican)  But now I am forced to vote for McCain.  I say forced because as bad as it is that he is so old I can not think of one other candidate that I like AT ALL!

  4. Yes that is my view .  It is one of those elections that we will need to pick between the lesser of two evils.

  5. Lol. No.  How sad and lame.

  6. Yes, I'd never vote for THAT woman!! I read in Cal Thomas' column yesterday that she said that if she got elected and got her universal health care bill through she "might garnish people's wages if they didn't sign up." Can you believe that? Now, talk about our civil right being violated!!!! Forced health care! Wow! If you value freedom don't vote for Clinton!

  7. No, certainly not. I would much rather vote for Hilary Clinton than a 71 year old man who might die in office or a certain senator from Illinois who's followers are more like groupies chasing after a rockstar than informed citizens looking for a leader!

  8. I like it!

  9. base my political choice not so much on a party......or gender.....or race.......or anything other than what is good for the nation.

    HILLARY is a socialist. Socialism is an anathma to capitalism. Capitalism is what made America great and socialism is destroying this great nation.  Beyond the danger of her political stance she is a vicious angry woman who hates the military. That hatred is legendary. (write me I will tell you of my personal encounters with her......she is not a nice lady)

    EDWARDS A chameleon who will assume any role or position to get his goal. He has no core values. He is superficial and not dependable. He would lead by poll, not a healthy way to lead the most powerful nation in the world.

    OBAMA A child with a gun. All smile and no substance. All of the left is dedicated to wealth re-distribution. You work and they give your pay to those who do not work. They are "poverty pimps'. They are NOT dedicated to correcting the ills of the nation ;they NEED those ills to get elected. Like welfare they put a bandaid on the problem but do NOTHING meaningful to cure the problem. Republicans maybe the tools of "big business" but that is better than being the "fools" of the "lame and lazy"

    McCAIN The Republicans "Lieberman. He sides with the left MORE than he does the right. He is a Democrat wearing a Republican costume. He will kiss the butt of anyone and compromise any value to gain power. Beyond that I know personally of his incidinary temper. PTSD ? McCain will explode like a bomb when frustrated. I do not need a President that rules from emotion. I want a cool hand at the helm.

    There is very little difference in the rest of the Republican roster. One is as good or bad as the rest. The tax reform is a nice issue. Something sorely needed but has about as much chance of being enacted as I do of laying an Easter egg.

    What our nation needs is a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" on the ballot. Currently only 21% of the population is electing the government. WHY?..... maybe because the rest of the nation knows there is little use in voting......they elect a Prince and he goes to Washington and turns into a TOAD. The left is socialist and the right is big business as usual......and a third party is a waste of time. We need to clean up government but the patients are in charge of the asylum.

  10. Uh, no.  But I'm not voting for Hillary Clinton either.

  11. Political views and responsible voting must reflect a Country's Moral behavior..Otherwise, Countries have been known to be judged and destroyed by the Almighty..Everyone should think and vote according to moral purity according to God's righteousness and by doing so, a country shall be prosperous and not cursed..If a person votes to allow the killing of unborn children, they who voted are as guilty as the Dr.s whom do the actual killing and shall be judged...

  12. What about this instead this view would really get some one's goat and several cows besides. Solar Power Socialism which could end poverty and Global Warming at once. Society is there to help people . To process by which people make it work is but Socialism a concept that is asthma according to certain policies in The U.S.A.

  13. Nope not at all, I believe our elected officials should be elected on their ability to do the job. Last time I checked it was illegal for my employer to even ask about my personal life not to mention a condition of employment! I think its about time to get someone in office that will do the job of running the country, and not run it into the ground or make the U.S. the laughing stock of the world.

  14. I think that's funny and true for a lot of people too!

  15. nah, but it is quite funny.

    american politics is so tribal, it seems like you are born red or blue and you just stay that way.  that country so needs some decent political reform to engage poeple with real issues

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