
Is thought of killing your self wrong ?(about my sister please help)?

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my sister always talking about death and she self medicates to often, then she should with big amounts of pills not because she sick but because she hates her life .... she will take up too 25 Tylenol pm at onces one time she took 8 benadryl at onces and anther time she took half a bottle of nyquil you think she trying to kill her self she always saying how she hates her life and she she wishes she was dead. she 21 i dont think she looking for attention she doesnt even know i know this about her i read her journal ......

o and in this jornal she has pictures of death , hangin them self , sucidal words alotof crazy stuff in it

she's my twin i dont want anything to happen to her




  1. WOW, Thats not good, she may be on her way, my brother hung himself 8 years ago due to depression, I know how it feels, trust me.

    By the sound of the pills and liquids you mentioned they are all sleepers, does she do speed? Does she have insomnia? looks like she is having a hard time sleeping. This is a problem not the sleeping part the part of death and suicide and the pictures you mentioned

    And you should seek help, last week. like do it now, before it too late!

  2. she need professional help she might have bigger problems my sis was bipolar...and also if she keeps taking pills like that its destroying her organs she really needs to go to a dr!! just hang in there have you talked to your parents about this??? just pray for her i have twins and i would never want anything to happen to ether of them  

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