
Is three a crowd... or is it the more the merrier?

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Is three a crowd... or is it the more the merrier?




  1. It depends on the attitude of at least two of the people there.

  2. Depends on what you are doing.  

    Romance...three is a crowd

    Party Time...the more the merrier

  3. depends entirely on what u do!! In a party, the more the merrier. Mother in law interfering that's another question completely!

  4. If you're taking a poo, Three most certainly is a crowd.

  5. depends. 3 is sorta a crowd, sometimes ppl get left out a lot cuz its a uneven #.  

  6. In my world three is a party....♥

  7. If I'm trying to get with a girl, three is a crowd... it's called c**k-blocking

  8. It really does depend on what the 3 are doing! In a relationship then yes 3 is a crowd or group of friends then no its not.  

  9. IMHO- Three is a crowd when it comes to intimate moments with my s/o, but not when we're just hanging out or out & about doing something.

  10. If the three were annoying and I didn't like them, well three's a crowd.If they were people I enjoyed being with the more the merrier!!

  11. If it is three friends then I'd say merrier.

    If it's you and your significant other and a certain person always tags along, it's a crowd.

    I like bringing friends out with my husband and I once in awhile. Luckily neither of us have friends that always want to be with us.

  12. well i that means you are cheating its a crowd but if it is a friendship thing it is definitely more the merrier!! = ]

  13. If you're referring to threesomes, try one. I've been in 2, never regretted a single moment, and would leap at the chance to be in another. They're awesome.

  14. it's a crowd when one gets jealous or not getting enough attention. If one is not having much fun than the other.

    More is merrier, of course... when everyone is living in the moment and all parties is enjoying each others time together.

    That is a very lovely profile pic. I just had to mention that.

  15. Personally it depends who your with and what your doing.

    Romantic dinners- 3's a crowd

    Drinking at the pub - the more the merrier!

  16. Depends on the circumstance. Mostly more the merrier, for me. But if I'm with my girlfriend...

  17. Three is a crowd if on a date.

    The more the merrier if your getting

    married to the one you dated. <}:-})

  18.   three can be fun with the right three.

  19. Yes 3 can be a crowd...I have 3 kids, and when all 3 are together they fight...2 good...3 bad

  20. Depends what the situation is.

    If its a couple wanting to spend some time with each other well then yes its three is a crowd.

    But if its just some friends then no the more the merrier!

  21. It depends how you feel about it! I wouldn't do it being that I am in a committed relationship and have kids but if I wasn't I'd totally try it as long as I do it in a safe way.

    Plus keep in mind there are a lot of women that agree to have a threesome and they end up leaving the boyfriend for the other girl or boy.

  22. The more the merrier but, of course, that's only if it's friends, family or people you can get along with.

  23. If 2 are a couple then three is a crowd.  

  24. Do you mean, boyfriend/girlfriend or friends. If you mean friends then no probably not. If you mean boyfriend/girlfriend then it is a crowd.

  25. 3's a crowd but 4's ok

  26. Yeh it can be..... Usually 2 stick by eachother all the time, leaving one out. 4 is a case of "more the merrier" i think.

  27. Depends on the people I guess. I wouldn't say more the merrier.

  28. You have a friend to join us? ...

  29. Are you asking this because you are considering a threesome?

    Hmm.. could be crowd depending on the size of the room/bed.

    I would go with crowd, because like most guys, we're all talk and can barely handle one woman never mind two.

    Doesn't depend on the situation, it depends on your personality. I absolutely love it when there are more than two people around, it diversifies conversation and changes it up a bit... gives you a break from some others that you have talked to already, but will talk to again later... I am thinking in a bar setting really.  

  30. If your in the hospital giving birth 3's a crowd.  If your having a party, the more the merrier!  It all depends on the situation your in!

  31. I wanna give my man all the attention, just him and I.... If there's a social event the third party would need to make arrangements to meets someone... OR.... Hello, Sorry, I wanna be alone with my companion whether in public or not....all of this open communication before hand and if they're you're friend they'll understand cause I'm sure that you'll take out time for her too as a "girls nite out" thing........

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