
Is three month's a long time to be wearing your contacts?

by  |  earlier

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They were supposed to be thrown away a month ago. Will that damage my eyes?




  1. yes it is - in fact one time my cousin wore his for 6 months and they fused to his cornea. they had to be removed by a surgeon.

    hahahahahahahah! what a dumb @ss.

  2. It is harmless to wear them for that amount of time. ive done simmilar feats wearing them for just as long. when you start to have temporarily blurred vision, consider changing them. when i say blurred vision i dont mean your eyes are damaged in any way. i simply mean that the contacts are degrading or film is starting to build up on them. once again completely harmless. hope all is well

  3. I use a disposable contact (accuview) (I believe they are good for 2 weeks) for 3 or 4 months without any issues and have been doing it for probably 10 years.  I do take them out every night and store them in solution (Renu).

  4. well their supposed to be desposed every 2 weeks, at least mine are.

    but i have worn them for 6 months before.

    im sure its not healthy, but what ev

  5. The highest risk is that of infection. Bacteria easily grows on old lenses, so in order to avoid an eye infection, it is a good idea to get new ones.

  6. I held on to six pair of disposables for two years. I was supposed to throw each pair out after six weeks wear. That's bad, I know.  I only wear them about once a week now because my eyes are so irritated by the end of the day. I've had to have steroid drops prescribed because they got so bad. I hope you learn from my experience.  I would wear them as recommended if I were you. As for me, I finally saw the eye doctor and ordered new disposables yesterday :)

  7. You should not be wearing them anymore.  You can get an eye infection from wearing old contacts.  Eyes are kind of important parts of our body, they need to be taken care of.

  8. as long as you take them out and soak everynight.  I'd say ok, but my friend did that and one night she slept with them in, and they were supposed to be out a month ago, and they got stuck on her eyes, and she had to get them surgically removed, because an infection formed around them.  Really gross! She had to wear eye patches.  I wouldn't advise doing it.

  9. Yes. No matter how much you may clean them, the proteins building up restrict your vision and can cause small cuts and damage to your eye. Also, you are depriving your eye of vital oxygen provided by a clean, new lens. It may also not fit your eye correctly and lose much of its intended shape.

  10. Yes, there's a reason that they say wear them for one month only. If you check it out on the Net, there are lots horrible complications that can occur if you're not thorough with your contacts hygiene.

  11. unless you clean your lenses often & they aren't uncomfortable when you wear them, they're fine. my daily lenses lasted 2 months before i change them, but sometimes they don't, 'cos of the dusty/smoke or oily environment, then i change them more often. your eyes need oxygen, the gunk build up in the lenses prevent oxygen from reaching them. so if you feel irritated wearing them it's time you'll have to use a new set, 'cos no amount of cleaning is gonna work, just the same as permanent wear soft lenses.

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