
Is three months to young for a baby to have temper tantrums?

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It just seems like that is what she does when ever we put her down in her down for a nap. Ive tried everything and have got so much advice on yahoo answers. Even when I put her down early(alot of people have told me she is over tired) she still does it. She screams and her face goes red and she kicks her little arms and legs wildly until we pick her up. Shes feed, changed, burped, cuddled, swaddled etc etc. So my question is- is she clever enough yet for this to be behvior issue? She dosnt want to sleep so throws a tanty so we will pick her up? what do you think?




  1. Yes, very young. My son began having tantrums about 14 months.

  2. No, she isn't old enough to know how to have a tantrum or manipulate to get what she wants, but that will come with time I'm sure!  

    Babies cry for the basic human needs: food, warmth, out of pain, and the need to feel secure/loved/wanted. She's not hungry or too warm or cold, as far as you can tell she isn't in any pain, so the next logical step would be that she prefers the closeness she gets when you cuddle her as oppossed to the lonliness of being in the crib alone. Now you have to decide what is best for your family in reguards as to how you handle this--cry it out or attachment parenting, or somewhere in the middle. A lot of parents chose to rock their babies, others chose the cry it out method. Some prefer a routine such as bath, book, bottle, bed--putting baby down when she's groggy and won't put up much of a fight. Just do what feels right for you and your baby.

  3. First of all, Tory, there is alot of difference between a 3 month old and a 9  month old.  When your baby is that young she is still looking to you for security. You need to let her know that you are there for her when she isn't happy or what ever the case may be. Even if she is throwing a "tantrum", what is the worst that can happen? You end up holding her more? Enjoy it soon enough she won't want you to hold her.  

  4. i thikn she must be related to my daughter! i really dont think shes throwing a tantrum. i try to think of it this way. she cant talk and tell you what she wants, so cant only cry/scream. so even if you do all those things, she may just want to be cuddled/held. maybe she isnt tired at all.  

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