
Is throwing an apple core in the hedge "littering"?

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In this new age of recycling everything, is it better to drop an apple core into the litter bin or to throw it into the nearest hedge?




  1. wat no! its natural, when apples drop from trees naturally its not known as "littering".  

  2. Probably the government would say you should walk the two miles back to your country house and put it in the bin to be carted off to landfill, using petrol up all the way instead of tossing it into the field to feed the scavengers and peacefully biodegrade.

    But then, that daft law just pales in comparison to the Health and Safety restrictions, and the political correctness regulations. And for all those well-meaning and irritating laws, its still legal for my employer to impose a uniform on me that costs me a weeks wages. So until they give me a good reason, I'm chucking my apple core in the verge.

  3. My apple tree is in trouble if it is and so am I, but I do it anyway because it is better there, than to never rot down properly in a sealed landfill and be nutrient for life.

  4. yes you can be done for it.. so it is considered littering

  5. In the litter bin it goes to the landfill, but in the hedge it feeds the birds.

    either way it will compost eventually .

  6. no apples are biodegradable

  7. if ur not throwing something into a garbage can then yes it is littering

  8. hi! Well it is waste and  i think the fact that it is biodegradable is not an issue because thats why we have different methods of disposal for different kinds of waste. I think if we all threw our apple cores (or other food waste for that matter)in peoples hedges there would be a lot of angry people about if the hedges where on their property and they had random sprouting trees/ rotting food in them. Dispose of all waste correctly i.e food waste in compost , glass plastics,metals n paper in recycling and anything else in a rubbish bin unless it can be recycled and wed have a much cleaner, environmentally concious world.

  9. The hedge - a squirrel or bird can eat it.

  10. that would be considered littering, even though it is biodegradable. It is better to put it into a compost heap than the two options you listed.

  11. its probably considered littering.

    but it woud decompose anyway

  12. I don't consider it littering because an animal can eat it or the earth can recycle it for you. It's natural and biodegradable.

  13. Tbh, isn't it better? That way the soil can get nutrients from it.

    It's not like it isn't going to rot anyway.

  14. If everyone threw their cores into the hedge the place would be full of rats before long.Throw it on your compost heap or bin it.  

  15. Well first of all apple cores are not paper, plastic, or aluminum, so you wouldn't put it in the recycling bin. If you are trying to save the environment and not have the apple add to the giant pile of waste down at the dump, I suppose you could 'throw it in the hedge'. I mean, why not? Some animal can eat it and otherwise it would like decompose. So go ahead.

  16. I would call it... "planting an apple tree in a hedge"

  17. I wonder the same thing myself actually, if it is considered littering then i really do think that is wrong... things like that do rot away pretty quickly and animals are able to eat them anyway and things like that are used in compost heaps so i honestly don't see why it is classed as littering :s

  18. it is okay, as long as you dont throw it near a road., like out the window. becuase then mice and rats will come to eat it, and then owls and hawks will see the mice and rats, pinpoint thier prey, and go after it not paying attention to the cars zooming by, .

  19. no, its a natural product of the earth so it would decompose.

    so it couldn't be considered littering.

  20. Throwing it in the hedge on a public highway would be considered as "littering".

    Why not take it home with you and throw it in your own garden for the birds ---- they'll love it.

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