
Is thunder really the sound of God farting? And if so, what is rain?

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Is thunder really the sound of God farting? And if so, what is rain?




  1. Thunder is God moving furniture, Rain is when he drains the bath & lightning is when he turns the lights on and off

  2. Him pissing.

  3. No, it's when He's re-arranging His furniture.  Rain is when He cries.

  4. his peeee

    yay god pee is fun to play in

  5. No, it's your brain rattling around.  Rain is a b-grade brain like yours.

  6. Are you effin kidding?

  7. F U!

  8. My dear friend, HA HA  I wouldn't be making fun of God if I were you, the next time it lightnings it may strike YOU.  GOD Bless you.

  9. Okay first of all,

    I have never heard of thunder being God farting I always heard it was God bowling.....Don't ask thats what I was told growing up. LOL

    And rain I heard was God and the angels crying.

  10. thunder the sound of god farting??? WTF???? LOL never heard that before...

  11. Diarreah.  Sad, but true.

  12. it is and rain is his pee

    growwwwwwwwwwwwwwww up idiot

    nature causes







    nothing to do with godddddddddddddd

  13. The sound thunder makes is actually God bowling.

    Rain is water molecules that are released from clouds

  14. No. Offensive.

    Anyway, if that were true, then it'd be way smelly.

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