
Is thunder the sound of the ground shaking?

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Is thunder the sound of the ground shaking?




  1. Thuinder is the sound created when a cooler air mass collides with a warmer one.

  2. Thunder is, indeed air rushing to fill a vacuum created by the lightening bolt speeding through the air.  Thunder is actually a sonic boom created as the lightening speeds along faster than sound.


  3. Lightning causes a path of vacuum to be created behind it the thunder is the air rushing back in to fill the vacuum

  4. Yes. Yes it is.

  5. No, it's the air closing back after the flash of lightning.

    Like the sonic boom, when a jet breaks the sound barrier.

  6. No, when clouds clap together and it makes an noise.

  7. When lightning strikes, it heats up the air a lot and causes it to expand with an explosive sound (thunder).

    EDIT: Ground shaking is an earthquake. Thunder accompanies thunderstorms, which have lightning.

    Thunderstorms are created by a cooler air mass colliding with a warm air mass, forcing the warm air mass up rapidly, decreasing pressure, temperature, and water saturation capacity, and creating lots of rain. The friction in the clouds create a static electric difference, which discharges as lightning. Lightning then causes the thunder via method stated above.

  8. mrc22091 is correct. A lightening bolt splits air molecules with a temperature of around 50,000 degrees. The superheated air expanding causes the boom. The result is the oxygen molecules change to ozone. You can actually smell the ozone if you are close to a lightening strike.

  9. No;it is the sound of atmosphere shaking due to a large scale electrical spark in the atmosphere leading to rapid expansion of air.

  10. A bolt of lightning at perhaps 600,000 volts ionizes the air in its path instantly into a hot plasma creating a shock wave and sound.  If you are almost in line with a bolt a mile long it will take about 5 seconds to hear all its sound.  If you are perpendicular to the bolt and equally near both ends all the sound will reach you at about the same instant in a loud crack.  Thunder rumbles because the bolt is zigzagged with soft and sharp reports or because the lightning has split into multiple paths.

  11. no, its the hot air caused by lightning expanding

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