
Is ti really throgh that scientists have discovered a tenth planet?

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  1. No, first of all, if they have found 10 planets, they need to find 2 to make it 10 because Pluto is not a planet anymore. Second no, they have not. They have found around 230 planets out of the solar system, but in it there is only 8.

  2. GGAaakk!! Yes and in just over three years it will kill us all when it hits us in December 2012!!  Oh can we please not have the Tenth planet question/Mayan prophecy issue on here again?

  3. Nope, can't have, because there are only 8 true planets.  However, it isn't even a "thought" it's a given that a "tenth" planet has been found, but, it is now thought to be a "dwarf" planet, instead of a full fledged one!  Due directly to Pluto's demise as a planet.

    This is because the defination of Planet was defined scientifically, for the first time.  Therefore, Pluto's status was changed because a CalTech astronomer, Mike Brown, found yet another dwarf planet.  It even had it's own moon, just like Pluto, only it was just a little bigger.  The dwarf planet he found is called Aris, which can be found in the Keiper Belt, very close to Pluto.  Okay, there is even a "dwarf planet" that is an astoroid.  

    This is directly why Pluto and Aris are known as dwarf planets, first they are so "far" out and surrounded by many, many other objects.  A true "Planet" can't have that many objects anywhere near it, as per the new defination.

  4. no, planet x isn't going to count as a a matter of fact, I believe pluto isn't a planet either anymore.

  5. NO

  6. We have the eight official planets in our solar system.  But Pluto was officially a planet, and in the first half of the 1800's, Ceres was a planet.  So that's 10 that have been discovered.

    If the International Astronomical Union had followed their rules and voted on the definition for planet that their appointed committee developed, we might have more then ten planets now - possibly as many as 40.

  7. There are a lot more than 10.

  8. case youve been in a coma for the past 2 years, i would assume you know that there are only EIGHT planets now.

    the tenth planet you describe is a dwarf planet, like pluto is now. there are a total of 4 dwarf planets (they added another one in the past few weeks).

  9. there are more than 10, they just havent been discovered yet.=]

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