
Is tiger woods the biggest p*ss ever for saying that no body watches hockey anymore?

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honestly golf is the worst game to watch and the only way its fun to play if you have a 30 pack of cheap beer in your golf cart and all you do is s***w around and try to crash the cart. i saw tigers picture yesterday that fool is going bold and he has the balls to say that no body watches hockey. who the h**l watches golf, miserable f*cks in the burbs with 3 ugly kids and a 1999 suburban. lets be honest golf is the worst and hockey is pretty freaking awesome. you know the sport is g*y when they put a qiet sign up when a player is about to hit. what the fuss is up with that. AGREE?




  1. s***w Golf!

    Give Blood, Play Hockey!

  2. I don't know, I can't watch the new hockey. It's for European figure skaters and Nancy boys. I actually kind of agree with Tiger. They don't play real hockey anymore. I mean, I can't watch golf on TV because it's watching the sky for four hours, but it's better than Bettman's version of hockey. But then I'm a real Canadian. t******e surgery is better than Bettman's version of hockey.

  3. I am a huge hockey fan! But, I watched the US OPEN today and have Directv and watched the extra channel (for free) of just following his group. I was impressed. YES, what he said was OUT OF LINE, but s***w his opinion... his opinion doesnt matter to me about what I like! I dont take anyone of celebrity status and their opinion as THE WORD.... I think for myself. To me, its water under the bridge. Wait until he is seen at a TAMPA game watching STAMKOS and he then will be called bandwagoner! Thats what I am waiting for. We will all have the last laugh.. trust me!

  4. When did he say this???  Since I don't watch golf this is the first time I heard this c**p.

  5. Yeah, that kinda sucked.

  6. hes kinda right i only watch cuz of the sharks

  7. A TEXAN calling someone who watches hockey a hick? Wow, I've seen everything now...

    Oh, and I watch and play golf, no kids (that'll be the day...), and I drive a '96 Civic. I don't drink when I play, and when I play, I'm playing to win for bragging rights. Golf is my summer fix when there's no hockey. Anything else?

    Actually, Habs_fan, I never made any generalization towards the Quebec way of life aside from the riot thing after your first round. The riot was a fact. Other Habs fans also condoned it saying that there was nothing wrong with rioting and making an embarrassment out of the country...another fact. I simply made you (plural "you," not you individually) see how stupid you looked after. I never said anything else about Quebecors and YOU are the ones accusing me of being racist based purely on my remarks towards the burning of police cruisers. You, mainly ss98 and Avro, jumped to that conclusion after I poked a metric crapload of holes in their supposed "logic" because they felt that that was their only defense and couldn't come up with anything more mature than "you r****d." (Which, I think I remember, means "tired" in french?) Thanks for coming out though.

  8. Who is Tiger Woods?

    I remember Dave "Tiger" Williams, who spent most of his career with the Leafs.

  9. Actually I'd say you are the biggest P*ss for ASKING THIS. First off that was said what 2 weeks ago or so, and was covered here when it came out. Second who cares what he said. Third maybe you should try offering a little respect to other sports instead of just making hockey look bad that we got fans like you. Golf is a gentlemanly sport and it is the unruly fans they are asking to keep quiet. Nothing wrong with letting the man concentrate on his shot. Now in hockey that would look stupid, but in golf it is individuals playing each other. What next you want to whine they don't cut each other off in Nascar and get in trouble if their driving is deemed too aggressive?

    PS I've said it before and I'll repeat it. If he wasn't at a tournament in a Detroit suburb, or if Detroit hadn't been in the Stanley Cup finals, do you think anyone would have asked? They only asked about it because the location, after all what was his answer to the question who do you think will win the NBA finals? Oh wait no one asked because he wasn't in one of those two cities.

  10. Don't call Tiger Woods the best golfer in the world,a puss!

  11. He said that?

    Well, he is a p*ss.

    And he's wrong!

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