
Is time an illusion or a creation?

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Is time an illusion or a creation?




  1. Its not an illusion because it exists.

    However, the rules by which we define time is definitely just a creation of mankind.

  2. Its both.  Its an illusion we have created to provide comfort and convenience.

  3. well i would say it is an illusion but we created clocks and devices to divide it.

  4. Time is not completely an illusion because it is a form of measurement which determines lifespans of creatures, distances, medicinal applications, etc...and of course a person(s) schedule

    It is man-proclaimed for universal use, which is subjective in the fact that time----such as today's date is based on written history--so in that much---it is a creation.

  5. I think it is a illusion but one we need to navigate the rest of the illusion.

  6. It is neither.

    Time is an observation.

    I know that years, seasons, and days are based on global occurrences that we have quantified.  Even thought Einstein held that time can be other than constant, I believe that he proposed that you would have to travel faster than the speed of light for the phenomena to occur.  This leads me to believe that it would actually be your perception (observation) of time that would no longer be constant.  Stephen Hawkins, if you are reading this, tell me what I just got wrong.

  7. Neither, it is one of the four basic dimensions.  Put in layman's terms, it is how we guage change or stasis, from one situation to another.

  8. ok just for fun - The fact that time slows the denser the gravitational field would make it an illusion since it is not fixed or true - on the other hand, it would be a creation since it can be measured, and therefore does exist in its many forms.

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