
Is time is good for me?

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DOB 18.02.1980 time 5:05pm in new Delhi

i am already in job but nor satisfied by it.

getting call from world renowend company. will it click?




  1. You may be feeling little uncomfortable since Feb 2008 but be sure after Sep 2008 good time ahead.

  2. After 8/9/2008 your good time will start for sure.

  3. im getting a good vibe anshuman. jus go for it!!!

  4. Every time is better, only you have to understand  yourself and the time , accordingly you have to adjust yourself, then see the result. I am sure, after that every day will be yours only.

  5. i don't no about you but my time is bad (serious)

  6. Yes it will come ; and there much more success on your way than you ever thought possible

  7. i dontknow

  8. Hi Anshuman... perfect timing... your DOB adds to 2 while your time adds to 4... both are for good luck... again birth place and your name and this year is icing on the cake... they all add up to 2 which is very best combination... this is the right time for you to go for change of job... go for it... best of luck

  9. These are just dupes, Dear believe in yourself & search for the best. You will be the satisfied one.

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