
Is time time time real?

by  |  earlier

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Does time actualy exist or is it merely perception?




  1. time is a dimension that enables two identical events occurring at the same point in space to be distinguished, measured by the interval between the events.

    it is just a system of distinguishing events

  2. time is real.  imagine time as a huge tunnel that has tons of dimensions and universes(including ours) inside.  as we travel through the tunnel "time" progresses.  

    that is why the concept of time travel is so easy, if more people would see it like this

  3. In world of reality (ie Absolute), time does not exist. It is only in our world of relatively that "time" exists through passing events.

  4. thisa is the problem with some phisics , start thinking about how there is oxygen only on our planet and time is just an illisuion,

    time is everything, it is the sourece of EVERYTHING,

    we run on time, not oil

  5. First define "reality" then I can answer your question (if I have time).


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