
Is time travel under paranormal or meatphysical study?

by Guest64492  |  earlier

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Of course its being studied.




  1. I seem to remember that I studied it tomorrow.


  2. lol - note the typo there - "meatphysical", is meant to be "Metaphysical". lol, sorry - just thought I should point it out.

    I think both, but depending on context and how it's being used.

    ie: Humans with the ability can be classed under metaphysics as it's beyond the understanding of normal physics. Normal physical theories don't allow time travel to be possible (referring to THAT kind of time travel - if you know what I mean, and aren't thinking of "How long did it take John to get from A to B, driving at 30km/ph").

    Ghosts, spirits and such time traveling (if it were possible or IS possible) would be better put under paranormal*.

    Perhaps its better to put it like this: "Metaphysics is used to (try to) explain paranormal phenomena, but is often used to explain para-psychological abilities (such as telepathy, telekinesis). Metaphysics is the study of the unknown that concerns happenings or situations BEYOND psychics."

    Conclusion: Yes Time Travel comes under metaphysics but it depends on the context it is put into.

    *(The word paranormal comes from the words “para” meaning beyond, and normal. So the term paranormal really means something that is beyond the normal scope of science or being beyond a scientific explanation. The term paranormal though is often assossicated with the supernatural).

  3. It is under the paranormal umbrella,

    Time travel is the concept of moving backwards and forwards to different points in time, in a manner analogous to moving through space. Additionally, some interpretations of time travel suggest the possibility of travel between parallel realities or universes

    Time travel to the past is "THEORETICALLY" allowed using the following methods:

    Traveling faster than the speed of light

    The use of cosmic strings and black holes

    Wormholes and Alcubierre 'warp' drive,

  4. I would have to say that time travel is not paranormal. But, the paranormal can be applied such as remoteviewing and other psychic abilities could be used to time travel.

  5. i doubt if rabid proponents of time travel will allow their brain-child to decay in the archives of the paranormal and metaphysical studies. they'd rather put it in either molecular physics or cryogenics section.

  6. I would say Metaphysical, but what's in a name?

  7. I wasn't aware that it was being seriously studied at all.  Where is the work being done?

  8. I would have to say under paranormal.

  9. It's under physical studies. Stephen Hawkings has some interesting theories on the subject.

    Universe in a Nutshell

  10. i would say that it's physical. it is actually possible if you could travel near the speed of light n_n but you can't go to the past, just the future =)

  11. Paranormal events are those events that cannot be explained by science while metaphysical studies are studies concerned with "a priori" explanations  - or based on "reason alone" - of such events.

    Time travel can be explained theoretically by the time dilation formula of Albert Einstein and verified by the experiments of Michelson and Morley.

    THUS, Time travel is NOT paranormal and could not belong to metaphysical studies.

    Hope this explanation helps.

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