
Is titanic 2 real i saw the trailers and preview?

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just yes or no i saw the previews




  1. For the love of god, how many times is this exact same question gonna be asked this week?!

    No, it's a fake.

  2. No, If it is Titanic: Two The Surface then it is fake, it is pretty much a mix of clips from various movies starring Leonardo Capriano (if that's how you spell his name). There are clips from the movie's like The Hulk and Romeo + Juliet. You can find it at youtube, nearly everyone says its fake also

  3. No, it can't be the ship sank and everyone died. There can't be a part 2.

  4. Yea, its called "Britannic"  It too was sank of the coast of Greece in WWI.

    - I'm kidding about the movie its a fake, but the ship was real.  Titanic had 2 sister ships that were nearly identical, Olympic (launched before Titanic) and Britannic (launched after Titanic)

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