
Is tobacco the revenge of the native americans for taking their land and destroying their civilization?

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  1. No of course not. Tobacco has been around since the begining of time and used by many cultures.

  2. No it wasn't Native Americans that started the misuse of tobacco,it was white people.Native people used it as a offering in ceremony,they smoked  a natural plant/bark mix in pipes ,All the other products came from white people trying to make a buck

  3. Wouldn't have been a bad idea, but no.

    The tobacco companies are the ones that jacked up the nicotine levels in tobacco to the point it became crazy addictive. It wasn't that big of a deal till they started messing around.

    The tobacco the Indians smoked wasn't nearly as strong. If they had had the R.J. Reynolds variety - tobacco use wouldn't have been so sacred! (Or it would have become a many times a day sacred ritual)

  4. "TOM" is copying and pasting his answer to any question that involves "Native Americans"...obviously he was not blessed with the skill of diverse thought or artistic qualities that we were...

    In regards to your question, like a few  of the preceding answers have expressed, tobacco was only used for ceremonial purposes within the tribal communities. It was not a recreational drug pushed upon others, as it is now by the profit driven industrialists of this day and age.

    Indigenous people are not "revenge" seekers. Tribal people long for the resurrection of the respect of Mother Earth and all that she holds.

    And to those of you who pointed to casinos as "our revenge" are just as dim-witted as those who think that the government actually hands out "reparations" for the rape unsuccessful genocide of our people.

    Those of us tribes who have entered the casino industry, have done so with the hopes of repairing our peoples poverty, that was ultimately brought on by the actions of the euro-invasion. Casinos produce economic opportunities for our people, and once it is in the profit margin, monies go to repairing housing, community projects, education, elders, health care etc. AND a good portion of profits go to charities that are non-Native foundations.

    I realize i should not have wasted so much typing on such a silly question...but i had a minute!

  5. Civilization?  I'm not certain that civilization and native americans isn't an oxymoron.

  6. ROFL! no,

    ever heard of monezuma's revenge? everyone has, mabe not by that term. it is diarrhea (Frequent and watery bowel movements.) this is so called their "revenge"

  7. That and maize, in the form of Fritos.

  8. Of course not, since they were smoking it and enjoying it's natural properties and effects.

  9. No, the revenge is all the Indian and Cowboy movies they left behind to bore us.

  10. Ahhahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahhaahhahah... No.

  11. No, its casinos

  12. I heard that somewhere.We gave them smallpox,they gave us tobacco.

  13. They used it generally for specific purposes, not just as an addiction like in these wasn't like that to them back why would they have seen it that way?

  14. No. Marijuana is.

  15. Cultures, like languages, evolve -- or they are dead.

  16. I thought CASINOs but somebody beat me to it.

    Revenge is a delusion -- who actually suffers?

    I like the point about sacrament becomeing habit/recreation. That can apply to Coca Cola, too.

    Our bad habits are CHOICES. I surely know that sometimes that is hard to believe. Infact, dis-ease is a choice.

  17. No. Casinos run by indian reservations are the revenge of the native americans. Tobacco grows all over the world.

  18. That is an interesting concept.  I don't think it's intentional.  People in Europe smoke more.  

    Mexico seems to be is taking over America now.  I think that it is just a process that civilizations go through.

  19. No, their revenge is Global Warming!!

  20. No. Tobacco was a pure form that was used in meaningful ways.

    Of course it had to be merchandised and watered down by the powers that be.

    This is a typical pattern. Takeover and bastardize anything.

  21. No.  I'll tell you why.  Native people used tobacco in a sacred way.  It was used only in ceremony and not for recreation.

    The majority culture chooses to use tobacco in recreation. It is not the fault of the Natives that they choose to do this and neither was this example set by Native people.

    I am a Native woman.

    EDIT: And to correct the first user.  Natives didn't smoke marijuana.  We didn't even have marijuana.  Marijuana orginated in China.

    EDIT: How much cultural ignorance can their be?

    - Casinos - Most tribes don't make enough money from casinos to support anything let alone their casino.  Casinos are the attempt of Native people to live a self-sustainable life.  They money from casinos goes to tribal housing programs, tribal health care programs, and sometimes to their members so they can buy food and clothing.  Anything else you have heard is a lie and culturally inaccurate.

    - Global Warming - Natives know how to live with nature.  It is this capitalist society who cares more about making money than saving the earth that caused global warming.

    - Civilization -  What about Natives insn't civilized.  Depections of Natives as savages etc.. are media and government perpetuated stereotypes to oppress Native people.  Before colonization Native people lived without most of the problems that currently exist in this society.  

    Before People Speak They Really Should Get Educated!!!

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