
Is today a new beginning?

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New Beginning

Awake, awake, arise, arise.

Open my mind, open my eyes.

It's way past dawn, there's much to say,

Who will I choose to be this day.

A sailing master, brave and true,

Sailing the horn with expert crew?

A fighter pilot in the sky?

A baker making apple pie?

You see I can be who I please,

For with my pen I tell and tease.

I'll make up something new to say,

And show it to the world today.

For now I think I'll just be me,

A poet is what I will be.

I'll write a rhyme just for the fun,

I'll kiss the girls to watch them run.

Some run out and some run in,

Either way it makes me grin.

Tomorrow, who knows what I'll be,

I guess we'll wait till then to see.




  1. Adorable. I love it , O how one loves to pretend.  thanks .

  2. very good talk....  

  3. Good imagery.  Let's the reader escape with you.  

  4. yes of course.. everything is refresh although some past are hold up to future or just even the present. every morning when you wake up, you'll definitely make a new decision of your life....  

  5. today is a prelude to tomorrow

  6. When you talk of kissing girls, you don't mean like out in front of Walmart do you? (Just bein' silly.) Tomorrow, I'm going to guess, that you'll be someone different but that speaker will still have an immensely, huge heart.

  7. :) So true and so awesome!!

  8. Awake, lute and harp, I myself will awake the dawn! Psalm 108:2.  David knew the power of poetry, it gives us wings and voices to sing! We can travel distant worlds, and even other galaxies, and on the way we'll rest on Mars and scan the Earth.

  9. You just be whatever your giant heart desires!

    Ya big softie!

  10. Very nice.

  11. This has so many levels of beauty and endearing wisdom, I am speechless!

  12. Believe I'll be a gardener today...must check in the mirror to see.

  13. Just keep writing them like this and you can be whoever you want!

    and why would a girl run from a kiss from you, rhymer deluxe?

  14. That was awesome. What a fun read. Sailing master stanza was excellent.

  15. Every day is a rapid unfolding of eternity. To be is to do.

  16. i don't feel any

  17. Oh, Dondi. You have expressed the heart of every poet in a way only you can do it.

    Your poetry always sings, but this one is a symphony.

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