
Is tomato?

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consider a fruit or vegetable?




  1. anything with an interior seed is a fruit, everything else is a vegatable

  2. it's a fruit but a lot of people think it's a vegetable!

  3. A fruit. It has seeds in it. Like Chilli. Chilli is a fruit too.

    Intelligence is knowing that tomato is a fruit.

    Wisdom is knowing that they don't belong to fruit salads.

  4. is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable

  5. It is a fruit.  Fruits are a mature ripened ovary of any plant.  In other words anything resulting from a bloom or flower is a fruit.

  6. Fruit.

  7. It's a fruit. If it has flowers it's fruits.

  8. In the Field of Botany a tomato is classified as a fruit b/c it has seeds, however in the Field of Nutrition a tomato is classified as a vegetable b/c of its nutritional elements. The Food Pyramid will list a tomato as a vegetable, where it counts it is a FRUIT!

  9. It fits the biological definition of a fruit: it is a seed-containing body that grows out of a flower.  There is no real scientific definition of vegetable, it is just a word with no corresponding definition in botany or other sciences.  Basically any edible plant part is generally classified as a vegetable whether it be a root (like carrots), stem (celery), leaf (spinach) or other part of the body.  We tend to call those that are sweet fruits in common parlance; at the moment I can't think of anything that we call fruit which doesn't fit the definition but I wouldn't be surprised if some examples exist.

  10. If you're a botanist, it's a fruit.  If you're the US government or the New Jersey government, it's a vegetable.  See Nix v. Hedden:

    Of course, legal insanity is all over... European law defines carrots as a fruit for the purpose of regulating carrot jam.

    A fruit, to a botanist, is a matured ovary and associated structures.  It *must* be derived from the female part of the flower.  Carrots, which are enlarged tap roots, are definitely

    not part of a flower.  

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