
Is tomorrows date supposed to be lucky or unlucky. 08/08/08

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how has it been in other parts of the world. already had this date.




  1. According to Norse Mythology, the Rune Wunjo is 8, and it represents great joy in all matters of life. Even when this Rune is in the reverse position in a reading, it still means joy and wellbeing, just not as extreme. It seems to me that August 8th would be lucky for people who seek joy in their lives.  

  2. if you're born, lucky. if you die then i guess its unlucky.

  3. 8 is supposedly a lucky number for the Chinese.

    You make your own luck - go out and do something good tomorrow.

  4. This is also a popular date to get married.  Asian cultures consider this date to be special. "In Asian cultures, the number eight is considered a lucky number for building wealth and affluence; hence, the Summer Olympics in Beijing opens on 8/8/08 at 8:08:08 p.m.

    In Chinese language and dialects, the number eight sounds similar to words such as wealth and fortune. On a numerological level, the number eight represents the evolution of life. The two perfect circles together are a symbol of learning the lessons of Earth before transcending to a higher spiritual dimension, therefore transforming the material pot of gold to spiritual prosperity. This signifies birth and death with a need of spiritual evolvement and understanding to be able to acquire the riches of the Earthly existence"

  5. 08:08:08 means only 129 days till Christmas

  6. Another day another dollar.

    So goes the saying.

    Dates are artificial and have no meaning outside the human mind.

    Do what you will with this information.

  7. Why would it be, luck is dependent on the person. Some will be lucky tomorrow, and others unlucky.

  8. dont give a monkeys.....8 isnt a particularly lucky number.

  9. You're all wrong the 08/08/08 is the END OF THE WORLD! Now quickly... send me £5 or $10 and I will avert this disaster with my special holy powers.

    Fred- If we do somehow manage to find ourselves two weeks into the 13th month... I will certainly be worried!

  10. Well it's lucky for capricorns cuz their lucky number is eight

  11. Same as 07/07/07 and 06/06/06 - remember all the hype about those days? They're just days. Nothing special happens.

  12. For Chinese, 8 is a lucky number.

    That is why the Olympics opening ceremony is on 8 August 2008 8pm.

  13. It has not come here yet but I have decided that it will be lucky for me and I shall invest in a lottery ticket.

    Of course if I win I shall let you know.

  14. its me and my boyfriends one year anniversary. so i hope its not unlucky (yn)

  15. Wasn't Fergie's(the royal family) daughter Beatrice born, 8-8-88 or something like that.

  16. It's supposed to be extremely lucky, especially in ancient chinese culture.

  17. nothing special about any dates , you make your own luck ............. However , if you should come across 13/13/13 in 5 years time , put your head betwenn your legs and kiss your **** goodbye  

  18. Some Chinese consider the number 8 to be very lucky.

  19. Very lucky day, it's my birthday! I don't believe any thing really different or out of the ordinary will happen to me tomorrow! Maybe the simple fact that I will drink more than usual.

  20. 8 is a lucky number to me, so lets think of it that way. its nice to live life believing in something.

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