
Is tonight the one hour blackout??

by  |  earlier

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If so..what time???does it start?




  1. ohio is tonight from 8-9 pm

  2. huh?

  3. why do you need to do it when everyone else does it?

    just turn of your lights all the time!!!

    not on 1 day.... EVERYDAY !!!

  4. Nope, i doubt it

  5. Huh? Wasn't that a week or two ago? Let me check...

    Ok, it was March 29th at 8pm. I remember seeing it on the news the day after or so and thought, well that was stupid, why weren't we notified BEFOREHAND?

    Edit: I have to add that, on second thought, we wouldn't have been able to participate because where we live it is very dangerous in the dark.

  6. WTF????? WHEN???????????

  7. What?  When???  I don't know,...I was not awared of a blackout tonight?

  8. huh? where? more details would be appreciated.

  9. It depends. Some cites/states/countries already did it. When we did ours it started at 8PM. I was with friends and it was so much fun. We entertained ourselves without power for several hours. We lost track of time so we had our power off for about three and a half hours.

  10. I think it's from 8-9

    but it doesn't really matter...

    we can't turn of all lights at the same time cause of time change

    just turn them off for 1 hour and you will be good :)

  11. A lot of cities do it at different times, Georgia did their blackout a month ago, so depending on which city you live in there might or might not be. It depends where you live.

  12. what are you talking about. be more specific please

  13. no today 8-9 will be earth hour everybody is strongly encourge to turn off all lights 8-9 pm

  14. I think it happend on saturday 31st march

  15. Wait there's gonna be a black out? Dayamnnn..

  16. Blackout?? What?

    Are you talkin abt earth hour? cuz that was a while ago.

    Well i wasnt told abt this blackout :S

  17. not in this house

  18. It is tonight but I don't know what time. Sorry. I will star this in case anyone else answers.

  19. What?!?

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