
Is torrenting safe on college campus?

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is torrenting music safe on campus or not? i know it differs from school to school depending on policy but what do you think...generally safer or not?




  1. It used to be safer as many schools didn't have to turn over students names if legal threats were issued, however now with the tried court battles, most schools will turn over your name with a court subpoena to avoid the trial that they will undoubtedly lose.

  2. It's a little safer now that we have IPV6 and WEP networks, especially if you don't tend to use your own computer. Everything is now based on your MAC address; it's your computer's "fingerprint". That information exists only on the LAN side of the wireless access point or router; the internet only sees your AP/Router's MAC address.

    If you get your own router, and a key to access it, every machine that uses that router will effectively have the same IP. If you log on through a gateway or login page after that, you'll still have a unique IP, based on your computer, and it will match up to your name, but anything that gets bounced through a few proxies, or sent via https, is still safe.

    What that all boils down to is two things:

    1.)Seed and torrent on multiple computers, and

    2.)Geta a couple cheapo USB wifi cards (each one has its own MAC address)

    Again, even if you use the same name and room number, everyone nowadays tracks MAC address, and as long as that's constantly changing, you're in the clear.

  3. i would say no, if they find out u can get into trouble if you're using there computer,.  

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