
Is torture an acceptable form of punishment to you?

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If so, please explain why and what would be the purpose...




  1. We do not know what is this torture going to be like, but gnashing of the teeth does not sound good at all.

    We know God is Just. I will trust Him for whatever He decides to do. What God says, it goes. You might not like it but what can you do, are you going to hit the tank. It is our job as Christians to love one another and try our best to let people to know that decision with their eternal destiny is very important for eternity is a very long time.

    God always gives us what He promises. He gives us what we want or something better. That is my trust. But I am not authorized to say that there is no h**l IF I DO NOT THINK THE h**l IS A NICE THING.

    Jesus talked much more about h**l than heaven, there is reason for it. We know very little about this h**l and torture, but as for me, it would be a torture to know that God is real and then I have to be separated from Him in all eternity

    We have our free will. It is His promise that we all willl find Him when we seek Him. He is Love, He loves all of us equally. He is Just, He will do what He promises to do. He is the Creator, it is His rules. His offer is the same for all of us and He knows how much information we have had around us.

    Yes, He will honor our choices with our free will even if it ends up hurting us very bad in the end. This is serious.

  2. torture is acceptable on the enemy.  with limits

  3. Never got to think of it, really! No, i won't like to be tortured!

  4. No, torture is not acceptable, regardless of race, species, beliefs or whatever, no one should be tortured for any reason.

  5. Of course not.  

  6. Torturers are mental cases.  Psychotics.

    Torture is unacceptable under any circumstance and anyone in their right mind would not go there.


  7. No, I believe torture is wrong. By definition, it involves the deliberate infliction of suffering, of something a person does not want. Not all need be directly physical. It is perfectly possible to torture someone by threatening the safety of their family, and even by inflicting suffering on them in front of that person.

    The purpose of torture, however, is to make person care for nothing more than the cessation of the suffering. Its purpose is to break down someone’s autonomy and reason, by manipulating them in a dehumanizing manner. The cruelty is bad enough, but, like slavery, its function is the reverse of respecting anyone’s humanity.  

  8. No I am definitely against torture but I am for the death penalty.

  9. No, I do not believe that torture is an acceptable form of punishment.  There isn't any h**l except in the minds of man.

  10. Of course it is acceptable, unless I'm on the receiving end; at that point it is no longer acceptable.

    I'm so glad to have a Deity who accepts and loves me unconditionally.I could never believe in a Deity which causes harm and eternal punishment for refusal to believe in all the truths of that faith. That must be a horrible and foreboding religion.

    I sing the praises of my Goddess, Bastet, our Mother and Protector.

  11. define torture

    well, no that kind of torture isnt

    good thing I dont believe in that kind of afterlife

    some people think playing loud music is torture and I dont have a problem with that kind of "torture"

  12. No ...I hate being I chose life eternal thru Jesus Christ....

    h**l and heaven are YOUR choice friend....grow up and quit blaming God for YOUR decision.

  13. Torture is not acceptable in any means.

  14. Actually, I see what you're really aiming at- whether I think God is fair to send people to burn in h**l.

          Well to answer your question, h**l is a place of darkness. Many scholars believe that hellfire is more figurative than literal. h**l is a place away from God. People who don't want anything to do with God will spend eternity away from God. The only other place in the universe there is to go is to h**l, a place of darkness and torment. It apparently is an okay form of punishment, because Jesus himself went there, and preached to the souls that were there, giving them a chance to leave, but they STILL rejected Him. So apparently they were content to stay there, separated from God, sitting in darkness, for all of eternity. h**l is not the party place people think it will be.  There is good reason to believe you will be totally alone in utter darkness, although there isn't necessarily fire. It is the spirit realm, you know.

  15. Some people would pay extra for it!!!

  16. Without looking in Webster's I would say that torture is the purposeful causing of pain, degradation, and humiliation from one person to another.

    Now, would I use it to save my family, neighbors, fellow country men, forgive my language, but, "You're d**n right." Would I use it just because I could, "h**l no."

  17. No.

  18. Of course no, only an immoral being would allow such a thing. The worse kind of all is someone who creates a place of eternal torture for a finite amount of sin.

  19. Yes.

    You do something really, really, bad, you get it. Sure, I'm no Al Capone with a blowtorch and players, and I'm not saying we should snatch balls off, but a slap in the face and few bruises here and there fine, if we get the info.

    It doesn't make sense to be able to shoot the guy in war, but not slap him around. Pick your battles if you ask me.  

  20. if you don't agree with the bibles idea of h**l, don't worry about it then.

  21. I think it depends,in other words I do actually think some peoples crimes are worthy of Eternal Torment,or at least some long term Torment(Torture) Like for example Hitler,he personally directed the murders of over 10 Million people in the Holocaust,if anyone is worthy of h**l,it's Adolph.Or perhaps Pol Pot,is he worthy of Eternal Damnation,I think so.

    The problem with the Bible,and with Religious Doctrine in general,is it lumps the Serial Killer in with the Adulterer.They are somehow equally treated,as if their "sins" were even remotely equal.The man who kills Millions is thrown in the "Lake Of Fire",but so is the Fornicator? As if these are even remotely equal morally. No wonder Societies that are run by their Religious Leaders have always been unjust Societies,these people have no sense of Proportion,do they?

    "In every Country,In every age,the Priest has been hostile to Liberty" Thomas Jefferson


  22. Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearrty, for tonight we dine in helll!

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