
Is totally twisted herbal essences good for hair?

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cause it smells nice and works wonders




  1. Well most shampoos and conditioners are tested, actually all large brands are by a professional dermatologist, (see tiny print on back of bottle) many are even tested on animals which although is something I personally dislike, helps verify how good it is.

    Since you say it works wonders you probably already know. Also as a last point, Herbal Essences is a really big brand is really nice (personal opinion). Its great for my hair which is really dry and quite damaged (no idea what I've been doing to it).

  2. Ask all the animals it was tested on first.

    What if some huge, physically overpowering people held you captive and did painful things to you each day? What if they made fun of you when you screamed out of fear, cursed you for no reason, and threw you—literally threw you—back into a cage when they were finished roughing you up? Wouldn't you freeze in terror every time the door opened? Heart racing, you might wish to be invisible to your captors, but you never would be. The anxiety alone would be almost unbearable. It sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it? It is, and it's what animals endure in laboratories every day.

  3. Herbal Essences products are really bad for your hair.

  4. herbal essences is a good brand. never did anything wrong to my hair, it actually helped me! i got a hair cut last week, and i used herbal essences for 2 months, and she said my hair wasn't even that damaged! And, i didn't get it cut in a year and I straighten my hair.

  5. I've been using Herbal essences for years, & i love it.  i think their conditioners are the best... it makes my hair soft & shiny =)

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