Yahoo News recently had an article saying that black children adopted into white families have a "higher rate of problems" than those adopted into same-race families.
Upon reading the report summary, the problems are defined as struggling with appearing different, and "racial pride". It makes sense that these will be additional challenges in a trans-racial adoption.
However I think the report glosses over the biggest benefits of trans-racial adoptions. Namely that the children are in a family that *wants* and loves them, and also usually has both parents living with the child.
Don't these kinds of benefits far outweigh the costs? Is anyone aware of studies showing the long-term benefits black children receive when they are adopted (trans-racially) vs. those raised in foster-care or in single-parent homes?
My wife and I have adopted trans-racially after hearing pleas from young black adults (who were raised in foster-care and never adopted) that they just wanted a family.