
Is treadwear affected when directional tires are installed backwards?

by Guest64182  |  earlier

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Back in October, I had four new tires installed ar Pep Boys. Yesterday, I got my oil changed and I was told that the tires were all installed backwards. I want to take it back to Pep Boys to have the problem fixed. (Of course I called today and they told me it would be a day's wait).

My question is this: what should I ask for when I bring it in to be fixed. Should I just ask for the tires to be placed on correctly? Or , should i demand new tires. I am not one to want to get something for nothing. So, I only want to demand new tires if I am sure that treadwear was affected thus damageing my tires early?




  1. wouldn't affect the way they wear would affect the way they handle in water.... and only low air pressure and alignment would cause you early wear... so just have them rotated and which back to the right way is good

  2. Since it's been a while is there tire wear? If so try running them and if they fell bad ask to have them replaced>

  3. I have seen this done a lot by them and what you need to tell them is that you want a complete new set of tires because this is very dangerous and it doesn’t not matter how long or how many miles you have, the damage has been done..............

  4. Yes it does the  if it starts a pattern you will not be able to correct it,I would demand new tires depending on how long you have had the tires.  

  5. Have the tires put back on correctly, see if you notice any unusual handling problems. As for tread wear problems,you could ask if they would compensate or reimburse you for the mistake if the tires wear out early. The best I would expect from them would be to pro-rate tire wear, and give you a discount on new tires.Taking legal action would hardly be worth it, especially if you lose.

  6. Tread wear will not be affected.  Handling will, in wet or slippery conditions.  Directional tires are constructed in a way that they channel water out of the contact surface.  Have the tires been rotated?  It is possible somebody rotated them side to side instead of only front to back.

    I question why you wouldn't notice the arrows pointing backwards. They are on both sides of the tire, very clear, very visible, and you should have seen them when doing your weekly air pressure check.  You should have noticed it the week you bought the tires, unless you have not been bothering to check your air pressure.

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