
Is true World Peace phesable?

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Do you think that all the major powers and smaller powers could actually get past the sectarian, racial, technological, and cultural barriers and create a true and lasting World Peace? And a World Council?




  1. It is, doesn't mean that people would stop quarreling, it just mean that people would talk each other to death trying to reach a consensus.


    It is pretty much impossible.

    The human nature is to be greedy and selfish.

  3. Yes it is,

    Understanding each other ?

    is another Problem........

  4. No. Human nature precludes world peace.

    As imperfect people, with all our character defects and sinful natures, there is really no hope for world peace. As long as envy, greed, anger, pride, etc exist, world peace will elude us.

    And in such a world as we have, people who fail to prepare for war (to defend their way of life) are known as "victims" or "casualties" or "subjects".

  5. dude time to cut back on the happy, world peace is not possible.look back over the last 3000 years.check out ancient council is world slavery,been tried before.remember the Roman empire?one of my favorite sayings "the meek shall inherit the earth,however not the mineral rights" Power rules! you may want to consider a career in the military.

  6. world peace is not possible,

    even in families, where the bonds are the tightest, you do not have peace but strife. Given the nature of mankind, 2 major world wars last century, and continuous wars and skirmishes around the world, we have conclusive proof that you will not see world peace

    the jihadist folk, do not want peace at any cost, they want total compliance with thier wished, and that you worship their god.   Other folks, some white, some black, some spanish in origin and some from other places want the same thing, they are just not as violent about it.

    the UN did a study some 20 years ago and noted that 300 groups, be it religious, political, national or something else, would never agree to peaceful terms with anyone else for existance.... I'm guessing there are more radicals now then 20 years ago.

    If you were up on your old testiment, you would know that the Jews came to the conclusion that even with God himself on earth, as King, could not control man as he was so sinful. The book of revelation bears out the fact that man will rebell against Jesus when he is King Eternal in Jerusalem at the first opportunity.

    So, from history, the answer is no,   from experience the answer is no, from the bible, the answer is no.

    NO,   world peace.....

    and that is tragic indeed

  7. it's in our DNA

    the world has been a violent place and will continue to be a violent place

    It's in every species on earth from ant's(taking other ants as slaves) to lions killing their rivals in order to establish dominance,,,,,,

    there is no helping us.......

  8. more feasible than you learning how to spell.

  9. feasible

  10. If we can get enough people to grow them, world peas are a more realistic possibility.

  11. I don't think that will ever happen. The EU is not working for Europe.

  12. it's answers like Michael C.'s that shows that world(wide) peace is not attainable...anger and strife is a part of human nature... World peace must start from the bottom for it to work its way to the top.  

    Have you ever been angry at someone?  That's not a peaceful attitude.  It's just like that between nations...there will always be war and's human nature.

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