
Is true understanding of Christianity an allie or adversaries to science???

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Is true understanding of Christianity an allie or adversaries to science???




  1. There is absolutely no conflict between Christianity and mainsteam science.

  2. I think it is more proper to say science is an ally of Christianity.

    Creation used scientific principles God established.

    Every time some "yahoo" tries to claim something in the Bible could not have been, science eventually proves it could and did just as the Bible says.

    Science, at least those who studying it, does have a long lag time behind God.  Eventually it catches up, given enough time.

  3. Without Christianity science wouldn't exist.

  4. I agree with 'grnlow'.  (Jesus Created Science!)

  5. That depends on what you mean by "true". If you mean "literal and inflexible understanding of the Bible", then it is an adversary. Considering the Bible tells us the world is flat and all.

  6. If one doesn't allow one's religious views to interfere in issues of scientific facts and evidence, then its neither.

    If one tries to mold one's view of science by means of religion, then one will be willfully ignorant and prone to basic error.  

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