
Is ttc for 10 months a long time?

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I'm 31 years old. I was on bc for 5 years but stopped a year ago when my husband and I decided to try for a baby. Each month has been a disappointment.

My periods are regular and I'm using OPKs that show I'm ovulating right on time. We bd once a day before, during, and after ovulation. I can't help but start to wonder why we aren't pregnant yet. Just hoping (and needing) to hear some encouraging words...




  1. It is long but not long enough to go doctor to get tested so wait till its been over a year then go to your doc gudluck.

  2. Hey there,

    Everyone will tell you that it's not that long, but my .02 is that it sure feels like forever and can become really stressful when it does not happen.

    The rule of thumb is if you're younger than 35 you should try for a full year before you seek possible fertiltiy issues. (If you're over 35, seek help after 6 months.)

    So listen, if you don't want to wait (and try and try in vein), consider telling your doc you've been trying for a year (you're only 2 months away from that anyway). The first and easiest test is to get his sperm checked.

    If you're regular and ovulating via OPK's - that's GREAT!

    Most likely you'll fall pregnant in the next few months (I really hope you do!). You only have a 15-20% chance of getting pregnant in any given cycle even if you're both heathly and fertile and have s*x at the right time.

    I know it stinks to be patient.

    I just turned 39 and have been trying for a year for my first baby (and we're both healthy & fertile). Every month I get really frustrated... and it takes me a few days to let it go and look fwd to the next cycle.

    Don't give up!

  3. I imagine it seems like a very long time for you. It took us 4 months (including a loss in the third cycle ttc) to conceive the baby I am pregnant with now and getting my period 4 times even was heartbreaking for me as you never know when it's going to happen and at some point you start worrying that it will never happen. Generally if a couple doesnt conceive within a year you can go to see fertility doctors and possibly use drugs like clomid to help out. On ttc forums I have read a lot of people posting about their pregnancies after trying for 18 months, so even if it seems like it will never happen, it still probably will. Good luck to you and I hope you get that baby (or a couple hehe)

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